  • 學位論文


Study on severity of fall injuries and related factors in Xinyi District of Taipei City

指導教授 : 季瑋珠
共同指導教授 : 璩大成


目的:本研究為探討臺北市信義區跌倒墜落事故傷害發生的嚴重程度及其相關因素,做為信義安全社區推動跌倒墜落事故傷害防制之依據。 材料與方法:採回溯性調查法;以實習場所提供臺北市政府衛生局與臺灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會合作建置「TIPSPA傷害監測系統」內之臺北市信義區傷害監測資料進行分析,蒐集2009~2011年間於臺北市信義區內因跌倒墜落等傷害個案,共2,666筆進行分析。 結果: 一、影響跌倒墜落事故傷害嚴重程度的主要預測變項有「年齡」、「教育程度」、「疾病史」、「事故種類」與事故「發生地點」等。二、年齡與跌倒墜落嚴重程度成正相關,教育程度則與嚴重程度成負相關。三、「0-18歲」跌倒墜落嚴重程度是「65歲以上」之0.47倍,「小學以下」發生跌倒墜落事故重度傷害是「大專(學)以上」的2.24倍,事故發生前「有」疾病史的人其嚴重程度是「無」疾病史的2.12倍,跌倒事故嚴重程度「同一平面」是「非同平面」的0.65倍,事故發生在「居家場所」、「學校、機構、工作場所」其嚴重度分別是「公共場所」的1.35倍與2.74倍。四、跌倒墜落種類是跌在非同一平面、發生在學校或機構或是工作場所的跌倒墜落事故傷害其嚴重程度較傾向重度傷害。 建議:推廣跌倒墜落事故傷害防制,應提供多元化的防跌課程、強化社區民眾自我防跌安全意識與健康識能、強化社區民眾自我防跌安全意識與健康識能、藉由學校安全與職場健康促進之輔導,辦理場所安全檢核。


The purposes of the study were to explore the occurrence of fall injuries, severity and associated factors in Xinyi District of Taipei City, to Xinyi Safe Community as a basis for promoting injury prevention. By retrospective survey the data were collected from “TIPSPA injury surveillance system” by cooperation Taiwan Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Association and the Health Department of Taipei City Government. All cases in juried in fall occurred in Xinyi District from 2009 until 2011 total 2,666 cases. Result as follow:1.The predictability of severity of fall injury were on “age”, “education”, “history of disease”, “type of injury” and “the place occurred”.2.Age is positively correlated with the severity of the fall. Education is the severity of the negative correlation.3.Data revealed severe injury in severity age “0-18”were 0.47 times of “above 65”. Education “under elementary school” was 2.24 times of “college above”. “Has history of disease before falls” was 2.12 times of “no” history of disease. Fall in non-identical flat surface was 0.66 times of identical flat surface. The severe injury in severity place “home” was 1.35 times of” public”. “School, facility and working place” were 2.74 times of “public”.4. Fall in non-identical flat surface and the place occurred in school, facility and working places where severe injury in severity. Suggestions to promotion fall accident injury prevention and control should provide variety of fall prevention programs. Improve safety awareness and health literacy. Make school and facility counseling and self-safety check.


fall injuries severity of injury


