  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Memorable Tourism Experience, Tourism Motivation, Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty – A Case Study of Tourists in Xitou Nature Education Area

指導教授 : 余家斌


在體驗經濟時代的今日,面對擁有眾多旅遊經驗的現代人,如何使所提供的旅遊體驗深植於遊客的腦海中並留下深刻的回憶,成為現今旅遊業者與學者關注的議題,也被認為是影響遊客忠誠度的指標之一。在國內旅遊活動興盛之際,以自然資源為基礎之遊憩活動常是現代人排解日常生活壓力的選擇。本研究目的在於了解遊客前往森林資源遊憩區之動機,以及在遊憩活動中所獲得之體驗的難忘程度與滿意度,並以溪頭自然教育園區之遊客為研究對象,檢驗難忘旅遊體驗、遊憩動機、遊客滿意度與忠誠度之間的關係,此外亦探討不同遊客背景變項在體驗之難忘程度上所反映之差異。本研究以問卷調查法於溪頭自然教育園區共獲得426份有效樣本,經由資料分析後得到結果如下: 一、遊客前往溪頭自然教育園區的動機,在推動機部分主要為「躲避日常生活」,其次則是「欣賞自然與健康」;在拉動機部分則以「關鍵的旅遊資源」為遊客來到溪頭的最主要原因。 二、在溪頭自然教育園區的旅遊活動中,遊客的難忘體驗以「恢復」感受最為強烈,其次則是「參與感」,而最沒有感受的則是「當地文化」。其中發現不同的遊客背景變相如年齡、職業、月收入、婚姻狀況、居住地區、今年前來的次數等,在其難忘旅遊體驗的感受程度上有顯著的差異。 三、遊客對於溪頭自然教育園區的旅遊體驗滿意程度,屬性滿意度以「自然環境」最高,其次則是「社會環境」,而最不滿意者為「活動設施」;整體滿意度則介於滿意至非常滿意。遊客對於是否再次前來以及推薦親友的意願則是介於可能至非常可能。 四、難忘的旅遊體驗與遊憩動機間具有正相關性,此外亦與整體滿意度呈現正相關性;遊客之推動機與拉動機正向的影響其整體滿意度,以屬性滿意度而言,推動機正向影響自然環境與社會環境兩構面,拉動機則是正向影響所有屬性滿意度之構面;遊客之忠誠度將受到難忘旅遊體驗與滿意度兩方面的影響。


Recently memorable tourism experience (MTE) becomes an emerging topic because MTE is considered one of essential factors that affect tourism loyalty. With plenty of natural resources in Taiwan, natural-based recreation becomes an option for modern people to escape from daily stress. The goal of present study is to understand the motivation of forest recreation tourist and their MTE at Xitou Nature Education Area. Additionally, this study has examined the relationships between tourist motivation, memorable tourism experience(MTE), tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. The effect of demographic attributes upon MTE is also discussed. The questionnaires have been distributed at Xitou Nature Education Area and the valid sample is 426. According to the analysis, findings are as below: 1. For tourism motivation, the main push motivation is “escaping from everyday routine”, followed by “appreciating natural resources and health.” Regarding to pull motivation, “key tourist resources” is the main reason why tourist visiting Xitou. 2. Regarding to experience in Xitou, tourists perceive “refresh” most among seven MTE domains, followed by “involvement”, while “local culture” is the least perception of tourists. Findings further reveal that tourists with different gender, occupation, income, marital status, residence and visited times have showed significant differences in their level of MTE. 3. In terms of satisfaction of attribute of Xitou, tourists were most satisfied “natural environment”, followed by “social environment”, while “facilities” is the most unsatisfied one. Regarding to overall satisfaction, tourists are “satisfied” in their Xitou experience. Tourists intend to revisit and recommend to friends mostly. 4. From Pearson’s correlation analysis, results have showed that MTE significantly correlated with tourism motivation and overall satisfaction. Push and pull motivation both had a significant effect on overall satisfaction. Two of the attribute satisfactions, “natural environment” and “social environment” are significantly influenced by push motivation, while pull motivation significantly affected all domains of attribute satisfaction. Additionally, destination loyalty is affected by MTE and tourism satisfaction.


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