  • 學位論文


Changes in China’s Policy and Behavior towards Youth and Student Exchange with Taiwan: Impacts of the Sunflower Student Movement

指導教授 : 周繼祥


2008年國民黨重返執政之後,兩岸關係的和平發展是馬英九政府引以為傲的施政,而兩岸之間所簽署的多項協議,也為台灣帶來了許多經濟效益,尤其是2010年所簽署的海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議,更是讓兩岸的經貿關係邁向更緊密的合作。而這段時間兩岸不斷加強人員往來的交流,成效良好。經過2012大選的檢驗,也證明兩岸關係的改善是馬英九最後能順利連任的關鍵。但在2013年時,ECFA的後續協商-兩岸服務貿易協議,竟遭致了極大的抗議,台灣更在2014年時,爆發了震驚國際的太陽花學運,而參與的人,竟然有為數不少的青年學生,從種種跡象來看,參與學生反應出的問題,除了是對馬政府的不信任之外,也包含了對中國大陸的抗拒,而中國大陸在學運過後,也將對台政策及工作重心轉移至「三中一青」的工作,其中對於青年及青年學生更是有一套新的想法及作為。 本研究擬將太陽花學運與大陸對台青年學生的交流政策及工作轉變作一聯繫,首先採用文獻探討及分析法就學運前大陸對台青年學生交流政策及工作為出發,並以深度訪談法及實地觀察法檢視中國大陸在太陽花學運後,針對台灣青年學生交流政策及工作的轉變方向及方式。最後,以問卷調查法回頭檢視台灣青年學生在學運過後對兩岸關係、兩岸青年學生交流的看法,加以深入探討,使本研究更切實地將理論與實務結合,探討促進兩岸青年學生交流的可行性方案。 研究發現在學運過後,不管是在政策上或是實務工作上,大陸對台青年學生交流政 策和實務工作上的確有所轉變,政策上是強化在台灣青年學生「五業」的服務,工作則是大力推展台灣青年學生就業、創業平台的推動及設立。最後,本研究透過問卷分析,了解台灣學生在學運過後對於兩岸關係及兩岸交流的看法。藉以檢視中國大陸如此的政策及工作轉變是否會有效果,並提出相關政策應對的建議給我國政府。


Since the KMT regained it’s power in 2008, Ma Ying-jeou administration has successfully promoted peaceful development of cross-strait relations, leading to the signing of a string of agreements with China that have benefitted Taiwan’s Economy. In particular, the Cross-straits Economic Cooperation of Framework Agreement signed in 2010 further strengthened the cooperation in trade and expanded personnel exchange between Taiwan and China. By analyzing the presidential election in 2012, improvement in the cross-strait relations was the key factor that Ma Ying-jeou was successfully re-elected as President of Taiwan. However, the signing of Cross-strait Service Trade Agreement, a follow-up negotiation from the ECFA, spurred protests in 2013 and further sparked the Sunflower Student Movement which attracted international attention in 2014. Many participants in the movement were young students. There were signs reflecting student protesters’ mistrust in the Ma administration and resistance against Mainland China. After the Sunflower Student Movement, China shifted its Taiwan policy and operation to place greater emphasis on the role of the central and southern region, the working and lower middle classes, small and medium enterprises and the young generation. A series of new ideas and measures directed specially at young people and students. This study seeks to explore the correlation between The Sunflower Student Movement and the change of China’s policy and operation towards Taiwan in youth and student exchange. First, it is important to conduct a literature review by analyzing China’s policy and operation towards Taiwan in youth and student exchange before the student movement. Secondly, the research methodology includes in-depth interviews, field observations aiming to explore the direction and tradecraft of China’s policy change towards Taiwan in youth and student exchange after the Sunflower Student Movement. Finally, by gathering questionnaires from students, it is helpful to grasp a better understanding of Taiwanese young student viewpoints on cross-strait relations as well as on cross-strait youth and student exchanges after the student movement. The research aims to combine theory with practice and discusses feasible measures to enhance cross-strait youth and student exchange. Main findings of this study indicate that China did change its strategy towards Taiwan in youth and students exchange both in policy and in practice after the Sunflower Student Movement. China has enhanced “five-policy” services for Taiwan’s young students. In practice, China has increased working opportunities and set up platforms for Taiwan’s young people to start their undertaking businesses. Finally, the study has better understood the viewpoints of Taiwan’s young students on cross-strait relations and the youth and student exchanges after the Sunflower Student Movement through analyzing their questionnaires in order to evaluate the effects of China’s change in policy and operation as well as to provide our government with respective policy recommendations.




