  • 學位論文


The learning experiences of dropout youths at the workplace

指導教授 : 陳毓文


本研究動機乃源於研究者過往的中輟經歷以及研究者對臺灣當前中輟未復學的青少年之好奇。由於目前中輟議題的討論多聚焦在「問題取向」的思維,有負面標籤之隱憂,故研究者採以學習經驗的角度出發,試圖一探中輟未復學的青少年在選擇其它發展途徑的生活樣態,亦藉此瞭解他們有別於一般青少年發展可能遇到的困境與挑戰。   本研究透過立意抽樣以及滾雪球的方式,並採用質性研究的深度訪談法,共訪問五位年齡介於十九至二十四歲,曾於國中輟學後未復學或是升學初期不久選擇輟學離校,且持續在職場工作至今的青少年。   在探究他們於職場中的學習經驗以及對於學習者的詮釋後,發現他們的學習經驗不因離開學校而中斷,反而經由「做中學」的方式而有「學以致用」的體悟,且多數的他們也具備雇主所認可的就業力指標,說明他們具備適應環境的能力。然而,他們仍面臨一些困境與挑戰:首先,輟學多年後的他們回流教育體制不易,且有被體制排除的現象;其次,輟學多年後的他們即使努力工作、適應職場環境,但仍遇到轉換工作困難、升遷受阻以及勞動剝削的議題。   此外,本研究也提及三個值得討論的議題,首先是針對輟學離校多年的青少年在發展上被孤立的現象,除了被排除在教育體制外,無學歷背景的他們即使穩定工作,但提早就業的發展模式似乎仍難以被社會所接納。再者,女性輟學生相較男性輟學生在輟學後的生活適應更顯艱困,不僅提早面臨擔任家庭照顧者的角色,窄化自我發展的空間,且不如男性輟學生可以主宰「自己想要過的生活」。最後,雖然青少年勞動有獲得法律的保障,但仍存在心存僥倖的雇主,因此,如何落實青少年安全就業的願景,也就能進一步開拓青少年發展的多元面貌。


Motivated by my own past experiences, this study attempts to understand the learning experiences of dropout youths in Taiwan. As the issue of dropouts is still labeled negatively by the public, most research focused on problem-solving perspective, that is, to help dropouts return to school. However, dropouts might stop learning at school, but it didn’t mean that they had stopped learning. Therefore, this study wanted to explore the other learning approach chosen by dropouts, and tried to understand challenges or dilemmas faced by them. This study was conducted using a qualitative design, through purposeful sampling and snowball sampling methods, five youths between the ages of 19 to 24 who had experienced dropout and were employed for at least one year were interviewed. Their employment histories were examined through the learning experiences in terms of their developmental status. This study found that youths who had dropped out did not stop learning, they just changed their field of learning from the school to the workplace. They acquired knowledge practicality through doing, also most of them had recognized by their employers as good workers. However, they still faced some challenges, for example, those who dropped out of school for many years were not easy to re-enter the educational system; those who didn’t have high school degrees would face difficulties in promotion; and the issue of exploitation had always been a challenge to them. On the basis of the above findings, this study brings up three issues for further discussion. First, we should re-think the current services and policies for dropouts, especially those who want to come back to school after dropping out for many years. Second, compared to male dropouts who can choose the life they want, female dropouts encounter more difficulties in later adaption, because they usually take over family caregiver roles, which restricted their life choices. Third, there are still unwary employers who don’t want to hire young people, though youths aged 16 and above can be legally employed; therefore, to create a safe employment environment for them is crucial to warrant youth development in various possibilities.


