  • 學位論文


A Study on the Justifications for market entry regulation-Focused on the Impact of Uber on the Taxi Regulation

指導教授 : 劉靜怡


本研究係探討政府計程車管制法令的正當性課題,尤其是針對市場進入管制的部分。適逢Uber衝擊我國計程車產業之際,各方對於究應依法取締或修法納管,看法不一,亦各有論據,政策取向對計程車產業將帶來根本性的改變。本研究以違憲審查及管制理論兩途徑為主軸,展開前揭法令之分析探討。並透過釐清近年我國大法官釋字對於工作權保障之相關見解與疑義,與進一步比較德國聯邦憲法法院著名之藥房判決後,嘗試重構工作權的違憲審查基準。復針對我國現行計程車管制法令中,有違憲之虞者,提出修法建議,以供日後淘汰或修正違憲法令之參考。 此外,部分管制法令,雖不致達違憲程度,然倘以管制理論檢視之,仍具有無效率或不合時宜之問題者,如決策過程粗糙的總量管制、無彈性的費率管制及淪於形式化的最低資本額限制,或者是過度受產業公會與駕駛人工會等團體所左右的政策取向,本文皆提出相關檢討。而此等檢討乃係立基於衡平政府、業者與消費者之三方關係,並促使產業往藍海方向多元發展之願景。 最後,政府在提供計程車產業公平合理的競爭環境時,也應兼顧消費者利益。而現行計程車管制政策面對Uber此等新興產業模式之衝擊,不論是取締或納管,相關政策之發展均仍在動態進行中,例如加州政府的規範手段,包含稅捐核課方式與監督,以及規範之後續成效,皆值得有關當局持續關注研究。本研究也針對我國法令,提出法規鬆綁之具體修法方向,以及採取計程車產業多元化發展以化危機為轉機之政策建議等,以作為未來計程車產業與新興科技結合發展之政策修正與法令研擬時之參考依據。


This thesis focuses on the justification of taxicab regulation, especially market entry regulations. Uber Technologies Inc. (Uber) is currently impacting Taiwan taxicab industry. Regarding how to deal with Uber, some people suggest enforcing laws to ban Uber, while others suggest amending laws to allow Uber. The result may bring a sea change in the taxicab regulation. This thesis adopts two methods to analyze the involving regulation: constitutional judicial review and regulation theory. Firstly, it clarifies Taiwan Supreme Court’s opinions about the right to work. It then compares Taiwan’s view with German federal supreme court’s view in a well-known case, Pharmacies case, (Apothekenurteil, BVerfGE 7) to establish the standard of constitutional judicial review of the right to work. Furthermore, it suggests how to amend the current taxicab regulations if they are deemed unconstitutional and need to be adjusted in the future. Secondly, through the lens of regulation theory, this thesis reviews regulations which are constitutional but are inefficient and outdated, such as quantitative control (a result of a ragged decision-making process), rigid rate regulation, formalistic minimum capital requirement, and a policy scheme which is over-influenced by industry associations and unions. The intent of this review is to seek a balance in the triangle relationship among government, business owners, and consumers and to assist business adopt Blue Ocean strategy. The government cannot break ranks with the public interests while creating a level playing field for taxicab industry. The regulation of California government—taxation, supervision, and follow-up tracks—merits continuous our government’s attentions. This thesis provides specific amendments to deregulate and policy proposals to help taxicab industry to diversify to turn the tides. These suggestions are for future policy change and legislation when taxicab industry embraces new technology.


邱文聰(2008),〈被忽略的(立法)事實:探詢實證科學在規範論證中的可能角色兼評釋字第584 號解釋〉,《臺大法學論叢》37(2):頁233-284。
張學孔、吳奇軒、陳育生(2009),〈計程車產業政策關鍵因素分析〉,《運輸計劃季刊》38(2):頁173-200(本研究係行政院國家科學委員會專題研究補助 (計畫編號NSC96-2221-E002-179) 之部分研究成果。)。
