  • 學位論文


Technology Mediated Social Support - Preserving Life Stories for the Seniors

指導教授 : 許永真


懷舊是日常生活中有意或無意的回想個人過去記憶的動作或過程,根據懷舊的形式又可分為著重於人際間對話互動中與促進社交互動的人際懷舊以及強調個人生命歷程回顧,透過回想與反思過去的生命經驗,來評價自我人生的自我懷舊。懷舊活動需要有過去的人生歷練與經驗作為基礎,因此常見也適用於年長者,特別是針對失智症或是憂鬱症的患者,懷舊治療可有效的促進社交互動、降低憂鬱以及提升生活滿意度等優點。社交互動是懷舊治療中重要的一環,包括個人懷舊活動中長輩與陪伴者的互動、與家庭家人之間的互動甚至團體活動中與其他成員的分享交流。本研究將提出藉由科技來強化懷舊活動中的社會支持力量並進而保存長輩生命故事的三個階段:(1) 陪伴理解:透過 Picgo系統在個人懷舊過程中記錄口述故事內容,並藉由 VoiceTranscriber 讓群眾協助抄錄文本保存故事。(2) 團體互動: PicMemory 協助團體懷舊活動中的帶領者透過語音的方式記錄長輩與他人分享的故事,並透過懷舊影片來刺激回憶。(3)家庭連結:PicMemoryShare 則協助長輩更貼近現有的社群媒體,除了讓家人可以透過熟悉的方式分享故事並與長輩互動外,更可透過機器人在社群平台上探尋過往回憶。本研究最主要的貢獻在於科技輔助社會支持系統能讓家人或照護人員和長輩能夠以自然的對話社交互動,結合友善的語音介面、溫暖的聲音記錄以及有效的故事摘要等方式促進社交互動並珍藏長輩的生命故事。


Reminiscence is a volitional or non-volitional act or process of recollecting memories of oneself in the past, and it is a common and usual way of therapy for the seniors, especially for the patients with dementia or depression. Reminiscence therapy can effectively increase socialization, decrease depression and increase life satisfaction. Social interaction is also an important part of reminiscence for the seniors, including the conversation with their companion in individual reminiscence, and the interaction with their family members and friends in group reminiscence. Reminiscence activities need based on rich understanding for the seniors, so this study proposed three stages and technology applications to increase social support in the reminiscence processes and aim to preserve the life stories of the seniors: (1)Understanding - Picgo help to record the oral narratives and transcribe the recordings by the crowd-powered system, VoiceTranscriber. (2) Networking - PicMemory is a voice-based interactive album to collection the narration of the seniors shared in community activities. (3) Engaging - PicMemoryShare can share oral narrated photos to online family group and provide a chat-bot for them to retrieve photos. The main contribution of this study is presented a technology-mediated social support system to help the companion or families of the seniors can provide social support by maintaining a nature conversation, recording and summarizing the oral narratives with a friendly voice-based interface. In the future, we will focus on the part of preserving life stories and reorganizing the stories.


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