  • 學位論文


The State Against Citizens: Blame-shifting Litigation and the Judicialization of Politics in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃長玲


關於國家與人民在政治、法律及社會運動的關係,現有文獻在理論與實證資料上的討論皆已初具規模。無論是從社會運動的法律動員,看社會運動組織者為何及如何採取法律手段作為社會運動的策略;或是國家在民主化後,更傾向使用司法機關與程序規範的政治司法化方式來處理治理問題,都可以看到司法權在民主國家的地位愈加重要。然而台灣近年的「國家興訟」現象,可以看出國家似乎找到一套結合政治司法化與反制法律動員的方式,這比政治司法化強調的程序中立更具有政策上的偏好,且在權益立論上甚至很接近法律動員的邏輯,國家透過提起大量民事訴訟,來因應可能產生的社會運動浪潮。本文研究核心正是在處理這個新興現象:國家為何、及如何因政策爭議而對人民提起大量的民事訴訟。 相對於勞工與環境運動從走上街頭到進入法院,採取包含立法遊說、提起訴訟等體制內法律動員方式來主張人權,國家官僚也逐漸採取訴訟或更細緻的行政法規,來排除政策障礙與被課責的可能。而在關廠勞工案件與反迫遷案件中,甚至產生了一套標準作業程序:公務機關對政策相關個案以戶籍、當初貸款等未經清查或詳查名單提起大量民事訴訟;且公務員在訴訟進行時,不斷強調萬不得已「依法行政」,且不採取行動就有被監察院糾正,或有違法、圖利之虞。這類型的國家大規模興訟,帶來民主課責與司法卸責的治理困境。 透過訴訟書整理、立法院公報、監察院報告、田野筆記、新聞等資料,本文嘗試指出兼具司法化及法律動員的國家大規模興訟具有責難趨避的特性。國家在受到監察、審計機關監督後,透過大規模對人民提起民事訴訟,透過司法訴訟處理、定性政策爭議,此舉不僅讓行政機關得以面對課責機制,也大幅影響社會運動的資源配置與策略選擇。


A large body of literature on judicialization and legal mobilization has demonstrated that courts have played an increasing role in social change and policy-making over the past decades. Yet, little attention has been paid to the judicialization of policy issues, especially to how the state interacts with the society with judicial tactics. Departing from the literature of legal mobilization, which is mainly society-centered, I propose a novel state-centered story that administrative agencies in Taiwan tend to use the litigation to control and curb the momentum of social movements. I argue that the rationale for why a democratic government preemptively files the massive lawsuits against citizens with contract law lies in a quite self-interested “accountability-avoidance” mechanism. By doing so, bureaucrats could thus shift political accountability to which they have had to respond onto the judicial branch. To illustrate this argument, I draw on two case studies- the closed factories labor movement and anti-eviction movement— with up to 700 lawsuits totally in Taiwan from 1996 to 2015. In both cases, state-initiated plaintiff-driven litigation shaped strategies available to social movement organizers greatly, ultimately giving rise to different outcomes: Closed factories labor movement failed; anti-eviction movement won. Utilizing archives and government documents, I show that to the bureaucrats, what does matter was not the costs and benefits of the process of litigation but how the process could enable them to evade accountability. In the anti-eviction movements, the government even viewed "filing the lawsuits against citizens" as the “Standard Operating Procedure” for executive departments to cope with similar controversies in national land and property issues. This study has broad implications for judicial politics and state-society relationship.


