  • 學位論文


The Writing of Travel, Hometown and Social in Mei Yao-Chen’s Poems

指導教授 : 柯慶明


梅堯臣(1002-1060)是北宋最重要的詩家之一。當今學界一般將他視為宋代詩風的開創者,尤其著眼於他對「西崑體」的變革。然而,由於這些論述基本上是站在文學史、詩歌史發展的角度來思考的,因此它們很自然地將梅堯臣視為一個「文學家」、「詩人」與「革新者」,而忽略了歐陽修在著名的〈梅聖俞詩集序〉中指出的:梅堯臣在成為「詩人」之前,乃是一名不得志的「窮人」、「士人」;而梅堯臣對宋詩的革新,與他的這一生命轉折,亦深有關聯。 這樣的關聯,體現在貫串其一生、而同時也是其創作中重要主題的生命經驗,即漂泊於各地的「行旅」,在科舉失敗後逐漸取代京城而成其精神依歸的「家鄉」,以及在這樣的邊緣處境下,嘗試在政治中心的士人圈中,保持另一種地位與發言權的「交遊」三個書寫主題。這樣的生命經驗可謂是北宋廣大「不得志」士人群一生的縮影,進而形塑了與洋溢富貴、優雅與華麗氣息的西崑體,在根本上有所不同的創作情調。 因此,本論文在重新審視梅堯臣詩歌作品時,採取主題討論的方式,正是試圖將梅堯臣從「窮士」到「詩人」的這一生命轉折,與其詩歌革新的成就聯繫起來,從而對他的創作與生命有更立體、深入的認識。此外,也期盼藉由對於梅堯臣此一個案的發掘,使更多研究者重新審視、思考文學史論著中的印象與論題,引發對個別文學家之不同面貌的研究興趣,進一步豐富我們對宋代文學、乃至中國文學的認識。


梅堯臣 窮而後工 宋詩 行旅 家鄉 交遊


Mei Yaochen(1002-1060) is one of the most important poets in North Sung Dynasty. He is usually seen as the pioneer of the Sung poetry style, especially base on his achievement of changing Xikun. However, since current research mostly written from the perspective of Literature History or Poetry History, they identify Mei Yao-Chen as a professional “poet” or “writer” spontaneously. These kind of view ignore a fact pointed by Ouyang Xiu in his famous prose 梅聖俞詩集序, which points out that Mei was first a unsuccessful scholars(窮士) before seeing himself as a poet. Moreover, his revolution on Sung poetry is also related to this turning of career and identity. This relation between Mei’s life and poems reflect on three theme in his works: traveling, hometown, and social. First, throughout his life, Mei kept changing working places every two or three years and spent a lot of time on transporting, which symbolize the drifting life. Second, after failing in imperial examination, Mei’s southern hometown Xuancheng宣城 gradually became his spiritual anchor, instead of the capital. Third, in this peripheral situation, Mei tried to gain a position in the scholar group by creating social poems. These kinds of experience contributed the essential difference between his works and Xikun poems, which represent noble, elegant, and wealthy. To conclude, focusing on the themes of travel, hometown, and social in Mei Yaochen’s poems, this thesis attempts to connect Mei’s career life and his innovation on Sung poetry, in order to gain further insight into Mei’s life and poems. In addition, through the case of Mei, it indicates a possibility to reconsider the statements and impression given by History of Literature/Poetry.


Mei Yaochen unsuccessful Sung poetry travel hometown social


