  • 學位論文


Tao Xingzhi's Conception of the Individual and Social Transformation (1917-1936)

指導教授 : 王遠義


在比較陶行知與約翰·杜威的時候,學者通常會將焦點放在他們的教育學說,指出陶行知生活教育的理念挑戰杜威實驗主義的教育原則,但他們有重要的共通點——深信人具有無限潛力,而且教育可以讓人們更為完整。此外,他們也都認同科學知識使得國家與其勞動階級能夠面臨二十世紀的挑戰。1920、30年的種種危機引起杜威和陶行知的關注,他們思考老百姓究竟扮演什麼角色。然而,陶氏在中國進行所謂的「新教育」時,發覺來自美國的教育制度不易在中國實現,於是他創造出生活教育來因應中國農村的需求及條件。雖然他們的教育方法並不相同,但從他們對人的期望,可以知道自我培養、個人發揮自己各種能力是社會發展的重要動力,社會改造的核心觀點是每一個人都擁有巨大潛力和服務社會的責任。 本文討論個人主義的歷史、陶行知社會改造與教育觀以理解陶氏如何看待個人在社會的角色。第一章探討個人主義在歷史上發生的演變,指出這個詞在不同時空的含義,有的地方把個人主義視為正面的現象,促進人培養自己,而在其他脈絡之下,個人主義似乎威脅社會的凝聚力。第二章聚焦於陶行知1930年代初討論社會改造,杜威與托洛斯基手段與目的地辯論也是這章的重點,因為兩者的論述顯示出社會的不同動力。第三章詮釋陶氏在1930年代初普及教育運動,他當時主張人可以自己傳播知識,也不用透過正式學校受教育。陶氏呼籲孩子成為「小先生」,成人是「傳遞先生」。中國人口迅速增加遠超過政府可以建造學校,以及師範學校可以培養新老師。陶行知教育學說顯出他對於個人的潛力,人可以自己普及教育。


陶行知 個人主義 社會改造


Scholars comparing Tao Xingzhi and John Dewey often focus on educational philosophies, highlighting the ways in which Tao’s “life education” challenged Dewey’s pragmatism. However, Tao and Dewey shared an important commonality—they deeply believed in the individuals’ potential and the power of education. Further, the two educators viewed the spread of scientific knowledge as the key to allowing the labor class to face the twentieth-century. Economic and social crises in the 1920s and 30s captured Dewey and Tao’s attention as they considered the role of everyday people in society. However, Tao discovered the limitations of Western educational models as he worked to popularize “new education” in the 1920s; in response to the challenges he faced, Tao created “life education” to respond to the needs and conditions of the Chinese village. Although John Dewey and Tao Xingzhi had different educational models that matched their respective environments, yet from their education ideals, one can understand that self-cultivation and the individual developing his or her various capabilities are key forces for improving society. Tao’s education and belief in the individual reflect the immense potential of the individual and his or her responsibility to society. This thesis discusses the history of individualism, Tao’s social reconstruction as well as his education concepts in order to understand how he viewed the individual’s role in society. The first chapter provides an overview on the historical changes within the concept of individualism. The term had a wide variety of meanings depending on the context. In some places individualism was viewed as spurring a person to develop oneself; in others it came under fire for causing a breakdown in social bonds. Chapter two focuses on Tao’s ideas of social reconstruction, in particular how science would help reshape society. This section also presents the debates between John Dewey and Leon Trotsky regarding the relationship between means and ends in order to highlight views on social forces at the time. Chapter three discusses Tao’s work to popularize education, and the ways in which his education principles placed the individual as the key conduit to spread education.


Dewey, John. The Later Works of John Dewey: 1925-1953, Vol. 2: 1925-1927, Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale, IL: Souther Illinois University Press, 1981.
———. The Later Works of John Dewey: 1925-1953, Vol. 5: 1929-1930, Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale, IL: Souther Illinois University Press, 1981.
———. The Later Works of John Dewey: 1925-1953, Vol. 9: 1933-1934, Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale, IL: Souther Illinois University Press, 1981.
———. The Later Works of John Dewey: 1925-1953, Vol. 13: 1938-1939, Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale, IL: Souther Illinois University Press, 1981.
