  • 學位論文


Gamified Education System with Online Handwritten Chinese Character Error Detection

指導教授 : 陳和麟
共同指導教授 : 葉丙成(Ping-Cheng Yeh)


在台灣的識字教育中,學生在學習一個生字的意義及用法外,還會花費時間 進行習寫練習,傳統的習寫練習是以生字簿作為練習教材,通常作為課後練習或 回家作業,同學需在簿子上書寫數次以熟悉生字的書寫方式。然而以生字簿進行 書寫練習會遇到一些問題,同學在完成書寫練習後,往往需要等到隔天交還給老 師,並在老師批改後才能得到回饋,此時學生往往已經忘記當初書寫的過程,使 得回饋的效果大打折扣。對教師而言,生字簿上書寫的生字很難看出筆順的錯 誤,此外,在時間有限的情況下,老師往往很難花費足夠的時間慢慢看過所有學 生的書寫內容,難免會有錯誤抓漏的情況發生。 目前市面上有許多生字學習的應用程式,大多都提供生字的基本知識,僅有 部分的應用程式提供習寫練習功能,且這些無法提供具體的回饋,只能簡單的偵 測學生書寫的筆畫是否超出設定的範圍。在數位學習的蓬勃發展下,遊戲化也越 來越普及,許多應用程式都會加入遊戲元素來提升使用者的使用意願。 有鑑於此,本研究建構了一個具手寫中文字錯誤偵測與回饋的遊戲化教育系 統。透過數位學習及遊戲化的指引,我們於系統加入了積分、排行、挑戰等遊戲 要素,並提升了學生的學習興趣。實驗分析結果顯示,學生因遊戲化元素提升書 寫練習的動機,多數學生也表示即時批改可以帶來幫助,在訪談中老師也表示本 研究開發的系統不只可以輔助習寫練習的教學,也可作為補救教材,提供落後的 學生一自主練習的環境。


In Taiwan’s Chinese literacy education, in addition to learning the meaning and usage of a new Chinese character, students also spend time on writing exercise. Traditional way is to let student practice on character exercise book, usually as an after- course exercise or homework. Students need to write several times in the book to be familiar to the new Chinese characters. However, there are some problems in writing practice with the character exercise book. After completing the writing practice, students often need to wait until the next day to return it to the teacher and finally receive feedback after the teacher corrects. When exercise books return, students often have forgotten the original writing process, so the effect of teacher’s feedback is greatly reduced. For teachers, it is difficult to see the errors in stroke order in the new characters written in the vocabulary book. In addition, it is often difficult for teachers to spend enough time to read all the students’ writing content, and mistakes will inevitably be missed. At present, there are many vocabulary learning apps on the market, most of which provide basic knowledge of characters. Only some apps provide writing practice functions, and these cannot provide specific feedback. They can only simply detect whether student’s strokes are out of the set range or not. With the vigorous development of E-Learning, gamification is becoming more and more popular, and many applications added game elements to enhance users' willingness to use. In view of this, this research has constructed a gamified education system with error detection and feedback on handwritten Chinese characters. Through the guidance of E-Learning and gamification, we added points, rankings, challenges and other game elements in to the system, to enhanced students' interest in learning. The experimental analysis results show that students’ motivation for writing practice is improved due to gamification elements. Most students also indicated that immediate correction can be helpful. Additionally, In the interview, the teacher also stated that the system developed in this research indeed assists the teaching of writing practice, it also serves as remedial teaching materials which can provide an environment for students who fall behind to practice independently.


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樂學寫字. Available from: https://apps.apple.com/tw/app/%E5%BF%AB%E6%A8%82%E5%AD%B8%E 5%AF%AB%E5%AD%97/id1061374744.
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