  • 學位論文


Applying PPGIS in Satoyama Landscape Change Analysis

指導教授 : 盧道杰


隨著里山倡議在臺灣的蓬勃發展與實踐,里山地景變遷機制的了解也逐漸受到重視;然而過往聚焦於地景變遷機制的土地利用與地表覆蓋變遷 (Land-Use and Land-Cover Change , LUCC) 方法,應用在里山地景變遷的分析上,卻仍存在缺乏公眾參與、難以將土地利用變化與其驅動力連結、尺度差異等課題。為了回應這些研究課題,本研究嘗試應用公眾參與地理資訊系統 (Public Participation Geographic Information System, PPGIS),提出一新的里山地景分析取徑:藉由在兩個案地點,分別操作大量應用地理資訊系統 (Geographic Information System, GIS) 的LUCC分析方法,及PPGIS兩種取徑,進行里山地景變遷的空間分析;並針對兩者在各個操作階段的程序、需求、與成果,兩相比較分析,探討應用PPGIS於里山地景研究的優點、挑戰、及潛力。 本研究所聚焦的PPGIS方法,採用質性研究法,於個案地點操作的同時也配合文獻回顧及焦點團體 (參與式工作坊),統整記錄與分析整個過程與結果。在花蓮縣富里鄉吉哈拉艾部落和南投縣信義鄉望鄉部落兩個案中,PPGIS方法引進參與式研究的取徑,考量社會界線劃定研究範圍,以鑲嵌地景中的個別地景單元為主體,配合文獻回顧,透過PPGIS工作坊收集以地主與土地使用者為主的報導人意見,描繪與討論地景的變遷及其驅動力。 從吉哈拉艾和望鄉兩個案中顯示,應用PPGIS,能夠產製適用於里山地景變遷分析的圖資,提高空間資訊的準確度 (Accuracy),建立地景變遷驅動力與個別地景單元間的連結,在過程中達到促進公眾參與的效果。應用於臺灣里山地景保育與地景分析,有其利便性。挑戰在於此方法成本較高,且需與地主及土地使用者等權益關係人緊密互動,且需留意空間資訊的精確度 (Precision)。


With the promotion and vigorous development of the Satoyama Initiative in Taiwan in recent years, it has been attracted more and more attentions for understanding the Satoyama landscapes change mechanism. Since there were few analysis methods that can be used to analyze detailed land use and its driving forces to interpret landscape change in Satoyama landsape, which are special in scale and land use types, this paper tried to apply Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) as a Satoyama landscape change analysis approach, and took the Ciharaay cultural landscapes in Fengnan Village, Hualien County, and Kalibuan in Sinyi Township, Nantou County as two case studies, and applied both Geographic Information System (GIS) method which used to apply in LUCC researches and PPGIS method in Satoyama landscape analysis, then compared these two method. PPGIS was applied by qualitative methods such as literature review and participatory workshops. This method adopted mainly a participatory research approach, and put social boundary into consideration to demarcate the cultural landscapes as the scope of Satoyama. Then it introduced detailed information on land use of mosaics, accompany with mapping and literature review, to map and discuss landscape change and the driving forces behind. Then this paper took PPGIS method comparing with GIS method which used to apply in LUCC researches. The results of the two cases showed, with the ability to increase accuracy of special information, dealing with geospatial information, and promoting local participation and empowering local people, PPGIS could help mapping landscape change cross time and analyze delicately its land use and driving forces beyond by working with informants. This proved the feasibility to apply PPGIS in landscapes analysis and Satoyama conservation in Taiwan. This method was especially suitable to Satoyama landscapes of human scale and close interactions with human activities. Its weaknesses might include lower precision of special information, time and human resource consuming, and the necessity to interact closely with local stakeholders, particularly landowners and users.


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