  • 學位論文

醫學美容產業經營管理關鍵成功因素之研究 —以A醫學美容集團為例

The Key Factors to Success in the Management of Medical Aesthetics—Object of Study: Medical Aesthetical Group A

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


在全球老化高齡化以及人類追求回春抗老渴望的趨勢下,以追求回春凍齡抗老美麗的醫學美容產業應運而生。結合醫療加美容的醫學美容產業以迅雷不及掩耳之姿,迅速崛起,儼然成為新興流行的最夯產業,人人趨之若鶩。 永續經營是企業生命的重要核心,身為一個由皮膚科診所轉型為醫學美容多元化經營模式的經營者,藉由20多年來的實務經驗及觀察,見證新興的醫學美容產業由淡轉強、起起浮浮之過程,尤其獨特且珍貴。在百家齊鳴的紅海市場中,思考如何突破困境尋求生存的一條路,殺出紅海,尋求藍海的定位及方向以及企業存活永續的未來,為迫不及待之事。 然而醫學美容產業研究報告中,對經營管理層以及產業關鍵成功因素之探討付之闕如,身為產業之經營者,有使命去探討此一議題,提供未來管理經營者或學術界研究發展的一個方向。 本研究以探討醫學美容產業特性及經營管理之相關文獻為始,利用上述相關文獻探討之結果,進一步嘗試建構出醫學美容產業經營管理之關鍵成功因素。以本研究建構之關鍵成功因素,利用一個個案實例來證明本研究所提出之關鍵成功因素的適宜性與可行性! 本研究選擇A醫學美容集團作為個案研究,採平衡計分卡,提出七大項醫學美容產業經營管理之關鍵成功因素: 顧客服務;內部經營管理;外部經營管理;經營團隊;技術與設備;研發創新;激勵制度,並提出價格便宜;效果顯著;交通便利;客戶價值主張;視病如親感動客人;真正去解決客戶真正的困擾問題;客製化課程;顧客滿意度高附加價值高;交通便捷有接泊網絡;定期開辦顧客教育講座;客製化療程保養套餐;客戶滿意度高黏性高;過程順暢不用等;全方位一次性服務;人性化的客戶溝通方式;連鎖店服務品質一致;經營開發不同等級客戶需求;運用雲端科技網路行銷APP;經營自己的網路討論社群;口碑行銷;持續計畫的衛教文章宣導;回饋公益義診;品牌故事之陳述建立;社區衛教演講分享;只做一門先專精有口碑,再求整合行銷;深耕社區落實照顧病人;強而有力的廣告傳媒;服務親切;人員專業強;優秀的醫療團隊;共識分工的醫師群;流動性低高熱忱的員工團隊;共同的文化核心價值;專業分工合作的團隊;團結凝聚力;完整員工教育訓練 ;個人生涯規劃進修;員工福利佳穩定成長;員工外在形象好具吸引力;參與國家品質認証活動;專業認証執照人員;強大的資金來源;環境舒適放鬆隱密性高;專精專科一項有名;藥品保養品保健品供應品質佳且穩定;儀器廠商技術服務優良;研發創新能力;不斷有新的治療和儀器推出;有洞察力先佈局巿場需求;反向思考做人家不做的事不賺錢的事;授權、成就感、期貨、激勵薪酬制度等方式激勵等各項關鍵成功因素的重要子項目,希望能提供學術界醫學美容產業經營管理的研究基礎,並且最重要的是在實務面,能給予真正從事醫學美容產業經營的管理者,一些重要的參考與方向,使得企業產業能大放光彩,經營得有聲有色。然而受限於研究時間,只能就實務面提出一些經驗分享,缺少學術上的理論根據以及就細項再次分析探討的空間。深盼本研究發揮拋磚引玉的效果,對未來醫學美容產業經營的管理者有實際的幫助,共同為全人類創造更美麗更年輕更健康的人生產業,那就是眾人之福!


The Global effect of population aging societies and increased desire to pursue anti-aging and rejuvenation has generated the rising Medical Aesthetics industry to swiftly emerge as the times require. The integration medical procedures in the field of Aesthetics had accelerated as one of the fastest rising industries, which continue to attract high global attention and great interests from across. Corporate sustainability is the essential core to business management, having to accomplish this in a private establishment of twenty years, witnessed the rising developments of this industry and the inevitable ups and downs in the business operation as it transformed from a dermatology practice to a comprehensive Aesthetic Medical institution, all of which has simply been a remarkable experience as well as valuable. To continue to suffice in such competitive industry as well as maintain corporate sustainability, innovative strategic planning is nonetheless impending. Since reviews and discussions are essentially scarce among the research studies conducted on Medical Aesthetics, as an entrepreneur in this industry is obliged with the necessity to explore on the issue and offer guidance to the future entrepreneurs and developing researches. This study began by reviewing reference literatures on the characteristics and management strategies of the Medical Aesthetics industry, also with a further attempt to comprise the success factors in this regard based on the information attained from the aforementioned references. The key success factors will then be used in the case study to demonstrate its validity and feasibility For the purposes of data collection, “A” Medical Beauty Group was selected as the case subject for this study and Balanced Scorecard was utilized to propose the seven key success factors for Medical Aesthetics industry management: customer service; internal operational management ; External operational management; Operating team; technology and equipment;innovation development,incentive system; offer fair pricing system; remarkable effects;convenient transportation; customer value roposition; Treat Patients as Family and make customers feel touched;understanding customers’ needs and problems; customer-oriented services;High customer satisfaction and value;convenient transportation, shuttle routes, and internet available;conduct routine public educational lectures; customer-oriented therapy and beauty-care service package; High customer satisfaction and loyalty;no waiting time; comprehensive service all in one; Effective communication in customer service; consistency in service quality; Understanding the needs of customers at different levels of profitability, and adjusting service accordingly; utilize internet/ APP marketing strategy; establish an internet (online) community; word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM); promotion of health care education ; volunteer medical consultation; establish story branding; community health education; First increase brand awareness, then attempt integrated marketing; implement community initiation in patient care; powerful and effective advertising media; friendly services; highly trained staff; Outstanding healthcare team; consensus-oriented and collaborative; staff with low turnover rate and high enthusiasm; shared culture and core value; Collaboration among specialties;bonds of unity; Full employee training; individual career planning and advanced study;good employee benefits and growth stability; employees with appealing images ;engage in national certified events;certified personnel ;large capital funds;comfortable, relax and private settings; renowned for at least one specialty among the practices; pharmaceutical, beauty care, and supplement products with great quality and stability; excellent service and technical supports for the medical equipment/devices ;innovative developments; continue to introduce new treatment options and medical device; insightful to meet market demand; reverse thinking: undertake the work no one else will or is unprofitable empowerment, achievement, financial future, and incentive compensation system. Above mentioned are crucial secondary motivation strategies to the key success factors, hopefully this will provide a general guidance to the Medical Aesthetics industry as well as further related studies, but most importantly is to offer those who own or manage Medical Aesthetics business adequate and relevant references and guidance to an outstanding operation and business with resounding success. Owing to the limited research time, details on the basis of academic theory and further discussion of the individual strategies are inadequately depicted in the content of this thesis, and only the practical aspects of the studies are available and proposed. It is a great anticipation that this study will initiate a deep effect in the Medical Aesthetic industry as well as to provide practical support to those in operation, and ultimately generate a more beautiful, youthful, and healthier industry of lifetime for all mankind.


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