  • 學位論文


Analysis of the expression of oogenesis genes during embryogenesis in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum

指導教授 : 張俊哲


豌豆蚜 (Acyrthosiphon pisum) 受日照時間的改變刺激會有有性生殖和無性生殖的模式。有性及無性生殖模式成蟲的微卵管型態具有獨特發育多型性,無性胎生微卵管內含有卵及胚胎;而有性卵生微卵管只有充滿卵黃的未受精卵。Gallot et al (2012) 檢測 33 個基因在有性及無性微卵管的卵細胞中有不同的表現,推論這些基因有一些同時參與有性及無性卵發育的分化,有一些只有參與有性或是無性卵發育。然而 33 個基因當中有 7 個卵生成基因被表現在無性胎生豌豆蚜胚胎發育 Stage 6 的初始生殖細胞中,分別是:ApGle1、ApBic-C、ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like)、ACYPI010052、ACYPI007465、ACYPI39770 以及 ACYPI54656。這些卵生成基因是否參與生殖細胞的發育還未知。ApGle1、ApBic-C 以及 ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like) 推測參與 mRNA polyadenylation,而其他 4 個卵生成基因為蚜蟲特有的基因。我採用整體原位雜合技術檢測 7 個卵生成相關的基因在胚胎發育時期的表現,實驗結果為無性豌豆蚜生殖細胞在胚胎發育過程中,這些卵生成基因全都被專一地表現在早期胚胎中。其中 5 個 ApBic-C、ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like)、ACYPI010052、ACYPI007465、ACYPI39770 被表現在移動中的生殖細胞以及後期胚胎的生殖細胞,而 ApGle1 亦被表現在後期胚胎的生殖細胞中。根據實驗結果推測無性豌豆蚜卵生成基因可能與胚胎時期的生殖細胞發育有關。


Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) display parthenogenetic viviparous and sexual oviparous phases of reproduction in response to the change of photoperiods. Morphological structures of the ovarioles in asexual and sexual aphids display distinct developmental polyphenism – egg chambers of the parthenogenetic viviparous ovarioles accommodate oocytes and embryos whilst the sexual oviparous ovarioles only contain unfertilized eggs full of yolk. Gallot et al (2012) identified 33 genes differentially expressed in developing oocytes in asexual and sexual pea aphids, suggesting that some of these genes are involved in the differentiation of asexual and sexual oogenesis. However, there are 7 oogenesis genes from 33 genes are expressed in the primordial germ cells at stage 6 in asexual embryos including: ApGle1、ApBic-C、ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like)、ACYPI010052、ACYPI007465、ACYPI39770 and ACYPI54656. Whether they are involved in germline development remain unknown. Analyze the protein sequence of ApGle1、ApBic-C、ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like) suggested they might be involved in mRNA polyadenylation and the remain 4 genes are suggested to be aphid-specific genes. I detected expression of 7 oogenesis genes in embryos and analyzed whether they were specifically restricted to germ cells by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Results show all of them are expressed in early embryos. 5 of them, ApBic-C、ACYPI25088 (Trf4-like)、ACYPI010052、ACYPI007465 and ACYPI39770 are expressed in the migrating germ cells and germ cells in somatic gonads. ApGle1 is expressed in germ cells during late embryogenesis. Results show oogenesis gene may play a role in embryonic germline development in asexual pea aphids.


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