  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曾惠斌


通常橋梁維護管理系統對橋樑之劣化及其功能績效之分析與評估,主要取決於目視安全檢測之完整性與正確性。然而目視安全檢測在執行過程中都相當主觀與不確定性,往往不適當之檢測資料造成後續分析橋梁狀況得到不當的結果與對策。本研究希望藉由大量之目視安全檢測資料以統計之處理手法做有系統之分類及分析,以達到下列幾項目標: (1) 分析橋梁及其各構件之劣化程度; (2) 根據績效指標決定橋梁及其各構件之壽命劣化趨勢; (3) 並依歷年經驗值研判各橋梁安全性構件一般預防性養護與重大維護之機制 為達到上述之目的,本研究從巨觀及微觀之角度切入,並以DER經驗公式及採資料採礦分析U值等兩種方式做比較,最後綜合提出最適合國內參考之劣化模式與維護機制。


Usually the rating values are determined by visual inspection in most of the Bridge Management Systems (BMS). A visual inspection is not very objective, and can sometimes result in a different assessment of element condition what may lead to the improper prioritization for taking corrective action. Our novel evaluation results in a more objective condition rating based on the visual inspection data. In order to provide an easier way to arrange and prioritize the maintenance schedule among the bridges, the health condition of a bridge needs to be diagnosed in a more practical and more accurate manner. This work utilized systematic classification and statistical analysis based on the thousands of sets of existing bridge inspection data collected in Taiwan over the past 5 years, with the following goals in mind: (1) develop a normal zone in the health condition shown on the diagnostic figure, and identify the health situation for the bridge using a specific inspection condition; (2) determine the time when the bridge will be in the worst situation, then determine the proper time for maintenance to be carried out; (3) introduce a new data process and innovative model into the BMS in Taiwan, as it will definitely be an asset to be able to estimate reliable maintenance costs in the future. In factor, the status of a bridge is determined by its structural capability and material strength. Consequently a lot of researchers have studied the failure, the fatigue, and the deterioration of the structure in terms of the structural function of a bridge. However, the overall performance of a bridge may be affected simply by the damage of one of its components. Therefore this study utilized a systematic classification and statistical analysis based on the existing bridge inspection data collected in Taiwan to reach the following goals: (1) assess the performance distribution and deterioration rate for components of bridge; (2) find out the right time to do the preventive and essential maintenance for the component of bridge with an empirical method, and to decide what time and which component of a bridge will receive preventive maintenance or regular maintenance. Finally the application of data mining was introduced to respond the reliability of the results by comparison methods from macro and micro point of views. Key Words: Inspection, Performance, Bridge Maintenance, Deterioration, Safety, Data Mining.


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5. Frangopol, Dan M., Kong, Jung S. and Gharaibeh, Emhaidy S. (2001/1), “Reliability-based life-cycle management of highway bridge” Journal of computing in civil engineering, ASCE Vol. 15 Issue 1, 27-34.
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