  • 學位論文


Concepts and Practices of Taiwanese Press Under Japanese Colonial Rule:The Case of Taiwan Minpao

指導教授 : 林麗雲


《台灣民報》是日本殖民統治時期第一份由台灣人創立的現代化報刊,該報的創辦與轉型代表當時臺灣知識分子對媒體的想像。本文從媒體的視角,並以辦報者為主體,分析《台灣民報》初期的報業觀與報業實踐。本文認為從草創《台灣青年》到《台灣民報》該報的報業觀有所轉變,依據不同的報業觀,辦報者也有不同的報業實踐。 回顧過去西方報業理論及殖民�半殖民社會的報刊經驗,可知分析報業理念應從歷史背景、媒體需求、媒體角色著手,而報業實踐則重視報刊的營運模式、與讀者、政府與競爭者之關係。 本文以歷史文獻分析法,分析該報在《台灣青年》運動機關報時期(1920-1923)及《台灣民報》大眾報業時期(1923-1926)此兩階段創刊辭或社論中涉及媒體角色的論述,也透過分析辦報者自傳、口述歷史文獻等了解該報的報業觀及實踐。 本文發現,民族運動路線的轉移導致《台灣民報》啟迪民智報業觀的萌芽。辦報者在殖民者嚴格管制言論的環境中,為召喚青年加入民族運動創辦運動機關報《台灣青年》,發展出召喚者的媒體角色。由於朝鮮的經驗帶來的衝擊,辦報者改為進行台灣議會設置請願運動,為將報紙大量普及於台灣民眾,辦報者發展出教育者的報業觀,以啟迪民智的方式試圖改善台人的機會不平等。


Taiwan Min Pao published by intellectuals in 1920s is the first modern press in Taiwan during Japanese colonial time. The founder set up this paper as a medium run by Taiwanese people , and endeavored to change it into a mass medium. This study focuses on the development of Taiwan Min Pao and elaborates the practices of 1920s Taiwan intellectuals as the owner of this press. To build a framework of the concept and practices of the Taiwan Min Pao, this study reviews major study of press theories and related literature on press under colonial rules. According to the literature review, the key factors for the construction of a press including historical contexts, social needs of media and role of media. Their practices include operation model, the relationship with colonial government, readers and competitors. This study adopts the historical approach to analyze the main discourse of the paper, mapping out the different concepts and practices in these two period of Taiwan Min Pao. According to the analysis, as the political movement of that time adjusted its aim, founders of this paper felt the needs to change role the press to enlighten people in the mean time. Under the strong control of the colonial rule, founders set up Taiwan Ching Nien(1920-1923) as a mobilizer, calling the participation of intellectuals in the movement. However, as the political movement was changed into petition for the establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament, to deliver the message into the wider Taiwanese society, founders developed Taiwan Min Pao(1923-1926) as an educator, spreading their ideas to enlighten people, trying to improve the inferior situation of the Taiwanese.


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