  • 學位論文


The Effect of “Very FUN Park Exhibition” to the Central City

指導教授 : 李存修


藝術和人們生活的關係是甚麼?藝術,又對我們的生活產生甚麼樣的影響?這是我一直好奇的問題。2001年,富邦藝術基金會主辦「粉樂町-台北東區當代藝術展」,為國內首次大規模將藝術帶入城市空間之大型展覽,2007年「粉樂町II-台北東區當代藝術展」重出江湖,依循2001年的理念,將粉樂町擴大於東區的版圖,媒合更多藝術與商圈的火花,呈現一幅核心都市的藝術地圖,而後逐年策展,2015年已屆十年。「粉樂町-台北東區當代藝術展」秉持著「一切由分享開始」的初衷,卻意外發現其影響力如同漣漪展開,當此藝術現象潛移默化影響城市,我想進一步的瞭解其中的影響層面,包含核心都會各層面參與者的觀感及思維。本論文將對核心都會之參與者分為「藝術行政/美術館」、「藝術家」、「一般民眾」、「合作店家」及「贊助企業」五大類別,並透過問卷及訪談方式,針對其影響的因素及程度進行深入探討及分析。根據問卷及訪談資料分析後,可得以下幾點結論。 (一) 粉樂町對於「藝術行政/美術館」於藝術推廣對象及藝術展覽方式上,有助於推展藝術由有牆走入無牆,使形式更多元,藝術更普及。 (二) 粉樂町對於「藝術家」於藝術創作與知名度上,有助於啟發藝術家創作靈感與動力,並接受空間的挑戰,擴大市場能見度,及提升藝術價值。 (三) 粉樂町對於「民眾」生活品味上,有助於提升民眾美學素養及藝術興趣。 (四) 粉樂町對於「商圈店家」 營運及店家信譽上,有助於助於促進周邊商圈繁榮,提高人潮及商機,及增加提供藝術品展出空間之意願。 (五) 粉樂町對於「贊助企業」之品牌及員工忠誠度上,有助於企業形象及品牌加分,提升企業廣告效益,同時經營認同感,提升品牌忠誠度。 粉樂町當代藝術展已通過十年考驗,這十年間的成果與經驗,都將繼續傳承下去,為城市美學盡一份心力。


What is the relationship between the role of art and life? How does art influence our life? These are questions I’ve been curious about. In 2001, Fubon Art Foundation hosted “Very FUN Park─Modern Art Exhibition in East Area of Taipei”, which was the first large public art exhibition in Taiwan. In 2007, Fubon hosted “Very FUN Park II─Modern Art Exhibition in East Area of Taipei”, which followed the concept in 2002 and enlarged the exhibition of East Area in Taipei. The exhibition also lightened the spark between art and business area, which turned out to be an art map in central city. Afterward, the exhibition was hosted annually. This year (2015) is the 10th year of Very FUN Park Exhibition. The original concept of Very FUN Park Exhibition is “everything starts from sharing”, but like Butterfly Effect, Very FUN Park Exhibition influenced this city gradually and imperceptibly. Therefore, we would like to investigate the influence of Very FUN Park Exhibition to each key player in metropolitan in this thesis, including how Very FUN Park Exhibition influenced the perception of art and the role of art in daily life. We divided key players in metropolitan into five categories--- Art Administrators/ Art Museums, Artists, Populace, Cooperative Stores and Sponsor. By using questionnaires and making interviews with above key players, we further analyzed how Very FUN Park Exhibition influenced each of them. According to our analysis from questionnaires and interviews, we summarized the conclusions as below: 1. Art Administrators/ Art Museums Very FUN Park Exhibition influenced the way Art Administrators/ Art Museums display and promote art to go beyond the physical boundaries. It made art closer to public, in more diverse ways, and became more popular to common people. 2. Artists Very FUN Park Exhibition inspired artists, increased their reputation, and raised the value of their productions. 3. Populace Very FUN Park Exhibition increased general people’s aesthetics and their interests of art. 4. Cooperative Stores Very FUN Park Exhibition made business area more prosperous and booming with more places displaying art. 5. Sponsor Very FUN Park Exhibition increased Sponsor’s brand and reputation, and it also increased employees’ sense of recognition and royalty. Very FUN Park Exhibition has already gone through the paces of 10 years, its experiences and achievements will continue to pass on, and contribute to the esthetics of the city.


胡朝聖,2007,〈再訪快樂的角落—粉樂町II〉。《粉樂町(二) 導覽手冊》,富邦藝術基金會編,6-7,台北:富邦藝術基金會
