  • 學位論文


Research of Wireless Sensor Network Applied to Scaffold’s Alarming System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


施工架為營造業最廣泛使用的臨時結構物,不管是在興建過程或是結構體使用與維護階段,都需要透過搭設施工架來方便施作人員進行施工或是支撐結構物。雖有專業人員進行結構檢核,但因憑藉著工人的經驗組立加上施工架數量眾多等原因,導致安全及品質管理不易,使得施工架災害頻傳。 近年來無線傳輸技術快速發展,其中無線感測網路為一項重要傳輸技術,有別於有線傳輸技術依靠管線傳輸電源及訊號,需要規劃及安裝管線,無線感測網路只要確認無線傳輸的訊號穩定和電源供應方式,結合適當感測器,即可建立一套完整無線感測系統,並且擁有快速安裝、重複使用及低成本等優點。 為了保護施工架現場的人員,本研究目的將無線感測網路導入營建業中,建立一套即時多項目預警系統及設備,應用於預防施工架災害上,不僅導入WSN相關技術,同時結合拉線式位移計、應變規及應變訊號放大器、辨色式模組、雷射模組及磁簧模組等多種感測器,能夠有效率地監測施工架的安全性,為了能夠在監測系統偵測到施工架有倒塌之虞,快速通知到施工人員及管理人員,本研究應用WSN結合各式警報器開發出無線警示系統及設備,警報設備、隨身警報設備、E-mail通知設備等三種警報設備進行疏散現場工作人員及通知管理人員做出應變處理,以期降低施工架意外發生的可能性及嚴重性,在監測施工架安全性及快速通知現場人員的同時,達到安裝省時、成本低廉及重複使用性高等優勢。本研究實測部分分成無線設備與有線設備之量測結果進行校正和比較、戶外無線傳輸距離的測試,最後在高雄凹子底捷運旁的興建工地進行實測,並依照實測過程與結果提供後續研究建議及研究方向。


In construction projects, scaffolds are the most commonly used equipment. However, the scaffolds are assembled and installed by worker’s experience. Besides, the quantity of scaffold is numerous in the construction site. Since it is difficult to maintain the quality of scaffold and replace the defect scaffold on-time, scaffold disaster frequently happens every year. By using wires, traditional monitoring system supplies the power and connects the signal information with the control. The wires are usually distributed on the construction site during construction process. Therefore, it needs high cost for wired system’s establishment and longtime installation. In order to ensure the safety of scaffold system and protect workers from scaffold disaster, this study tends to build a real time early-alarming system to detect the safety of scaffold system. There are some differences between Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and wired system. First, WSN can be established if the power supplying and the signal transmission are confirmed. Besides, WSN is suitable to build an early-alarming system. WSN technique applied to scaffold early-alarming system is aimed to achieve the advantages of low cost, short installation time and portable. This research will focus on selection and development of hardware and software. Arduino UNO and Xbee module are chosen as the elements of end device. Strain gage, cable-displacement transducer, laser module and magnetic reed module are adopted as the sensor to monitor the safety of scaffold system. Three kinds of wireless alarming devices are developed in this research to keep workers away from scaffold quickly when the devices receive the warning information. The experiments of the research are divided into three parts. First, compare the measurement results of wireless device with wired one and adjust the wireless device. Second, measure the transmission distance of Xbee modules and Xbee Pro modules outdoor. Finally, install and test the wireless scaffold early-alarming system in the construction site nearby Kaohsiung MRT Aozihdi Station. Based on the results of the research, this study provides suggestions and orientations for future prospect.


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