  • 學位論文


Cognitive Aging and Own-Age Bias in Face Recognition for Young and Older Adults

指導教授 : 胡志偉


這是個全球人口急遽高齡化的世紀;估計,到2050年,年長者的人數將會達到20億,約佔全球總人口的22%。老化會為一個人帶來生理和心理的衰退,包括導致各種認知能力減弱的認知老化現象。臉孔辨識的能力也會受到老化的影響,而呈現衰退的情形。然而,過去對年長者臉孔辨識能力的研究多使用年輕成人的照片(圖片)作為實驗材料,當Perfect和Moon(2005)在實驗中增加年長者的照片刺激時,發現受試者對臉孔刺激的辨識會出現「己年齡優勢效果」(own-age bias);亦即,年長受試者對年長者照片的辨識比年輕人照片好,年輕受試者對年輕人照片的辨識比年長者照片好。在探討臉孔辨識的研究中,對己年齡優勢效果的研究不多,而且研究結果並不一致。本研究的目的是:(一) 探討年長者對不熟悉臉孔的記憶表現。(二) 檢驗己年齡優勢效果是否存在。本研究的實驗一以年輕人和年長者的臉孔照片為刺激,收集年輕與年長受試者對刺激的記憶表現。實驗一重複驗證了年長者對臉孔辨識能力衰退的現象,但年長者並未顯現己年齡優勢效果。實驗二以年長者為受試者,在減少刺激數目,增加觀看刺激時間的情況下,實驗也重複驗證了年長者對臉孔辨識的己年齡優勢效果。在本論文中,除了回顧與本研究有關的認知老化、臉孔辨識與己年齡優勢效果理論外,並將這些理論整合,提出一個說明本研究結果的解釋,亦即,提出一個臉孔辨識老化的理論模式。


Population aging is a phenomenon that many countries have faced nowadays and in the near future. To a person, aging leads to deteriorations both in physical strength and mental capabilities, including most of the cognitive functions. The ability to recognize faces develops very early for human being. However, this seemingly innate ability is not avoiding from cognitive aging. Despite that there is a general trend of deterioration in recognizing faces, Perfect and Moon (2005) found that old adults recognize the face of a person better if the person is from their age group. This effect is called own-age bias (OAB). Unfortunately, there is only a few research studying this effect, and results from these studies are inconsistent. The present study aims to investigate, (A) the abilities of older adults in recognizing unfamiliar young and old faces, and (B) the reliability of OAB effect. Experiment 1 asked a group of older and a group of young adults to remember some photos of young and older adults’ faces. The results of experiment 1 showed that older adults performed much worse than young ones, and that there was no OAB in memorizing “old” faces. In Experiment 2, an OAB effect was observed for the older adults when the difficulty of facial recognition task was reduced by using fewer stimuli and longer studying time.


cognitive aging face recognition memory own-age bias


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