  • 學位論文


Smart Livestock Application of RFID and IoT – Taking Dairy Cattle as an Example

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


農業生產是氣候變遷下風險最大的產業之一,近百年來台灣的平均氣溫上升幅度超過全球,過去十年世界各國因為氣候變遷導致的災害也越來越頻繁,再再凸顯糧食安全的問題。從人文發展的觀點,受到飲食習慣西化、人均可支配所得增加、以及人口結構高齡化、人口發展都市化的交互影響,國內農業生產結構也隨之改變,豬肉、稻米需求下降,而雞肉、牛肉、牛乳的需求持續增加,但牛乳自給率尚有3成、牛肉自給率卻不足5%。 乳牛是高經濟動物,國內畜牧政策是以乳牛為主、肉牛為輔,依照2020年統計資料,全台有15.4萬頭牛、其中乳牛約占9成(13.7萬頭),儘管從飼養量來看較過往略為下降,但牛肉年產值約NTD 24.5億、牛乳年產值高達NTD 114.4億、且為持續增加,惟傳統的畜牧工作有賴高度人力投入、且生產環境不佳,較難以吸引更多資源投入,是以本研究擬以Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)結合各種感測器,透過網路傳輸的方式建構一個物聯網架構的精準畜牧飼養系統來提高畜牧場的管理效率、提升乳牛畜牧業的經營績效。 RFID一般稱為無線射頻標籤或電子標籤。目前RFID技術已經可做到遠距讀取、且防水、防震、防塵、甚至可穿透金屬,再加上全球唯一獨立編碼的特性,搭配各種感測器可做到24小時偵測。 物聯網架構下的精準畜牧飼養,是利用RFID耳標記錄具有乳牛個體識別的生理活動資訊,結合必要的感測系統、透過網路傳輸的技術,形成一個資訊平台。物聯網建構在網際網路基礎上,利用各種感測器偵測物件或事件的變化、再將資訊傳送到電子電信通訊裝置,最終建構出物物相連的關聯網絡;在網路傳輸控制的前提下,物聯網應具有可讀性、可識別性、可定位性、以及可搜尋等特點,物聯網所傳遞的資訊,能讓管理人員透過數據變化隨時掌握環境變化,快速採取必要的行動來提高工作效率、節約成本、或降低損害。 研究實地拜訪彰化縣的兩家乳牛畜牧場,一為自有品牌牧場、一為契約經營牧場。前者於2019年導入RFID電子耳標,酪農可透過手機app隨時掌握個別乳牛的生理狀況,大幅降低現場工作的必要與需求;契約經營牧場則以編碼耳標進行牛籍管理,並加入乳牛群性能改良(Dairy Herd Improvement, DHI)計畫作為生乳監測的管理模式。 研究設計採分段導入改善措施的方式,第一階段優先導入RFID耳標、以及硬體環境必要的感應器,目的是透過個體識別監控來提高乳牛的健康管理;第二階段再導入牧場內的自動化畜牧設施以提升實際的運作效率,並以損益平衡分析的方式進行財務試算。 結果發現,以國內大多數乳牛畜牧場的規模(約250頭)來看,以損益平衡法分析、並利用直線法分攤固定資產折舊,對酪農而言可以逐步提升生乳日產量來達成目標,儘管前段投資成本增加、但年收益也有明顯的增加,到第八年起可有完全的淨收入。若有資金需求,透過國內農業金融體系可提供畜牧業者取得借款資金來源。


Agricultural productivity is one of the high-risk issues from global climate change. Over the past hundred years, the average temperature in Taiwan has risen higher than the average of the globe. While the demand for pork and rice is declining, beef and milk consumption are constantly increasing in Taiwan. Dairy cattle are high economic animals, while domestic animal husbandry policies are dominated by dairy cattle and supplemented by other beef cattle. There are about 154 thousand cattle in Taiwan, according to 2020 statistics, and around 90% are dairy cattle (about 137 thousand). The annual production value achieved NTD 2.45 billion for beef and NTD 11.44 billion for milk. However, it takes more workforce in traditional husbandry work while the working environment is too harsh to appeal for more resources to be put in. Therefore, to enhance the operational efficiency of barns and promote the actual performance of the husbandry management. This research intends to use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and various sensors to build a precision livestock feeding system under the Internet of Things (IoT). The RFIDs are generally known as radio frequency tags or electronic tags. RFID can now be water-proof, quake-proof, dust-proof, remote reading, and even penetrating metals. With its unique identifier (UID), RFID can work continuously with various sensors without interruption. The IoT uses sensors to detect changes in objects or environments. The sensor data is transmitted to electronic or telecommunication devices to construct associated networks. The information transmitted through the IoT architecture enables managers to monitor environmental changes and quickly respond to improve work efficiency, save costs, or reduce damage. Through the information platform formed by combining RFID and sensors, dairy farmers can monitor the physical activities of dairy cattle and then take appropriate measures. We conducted field research on two dairy barns in Changhua County. One is a self-brand dairy barn, and the other is a contract-based dairy barn. The former barn introduced RFID ear tags in 2019 so that the dairy farmer can grasp every physical activity of dairy cattle at any time through the mobile application, which considerably reduces the need for on-site work. The contract-based dairy barn has a coded ear tag to manage dairy cattle and join the DHI program as a raw milk monitoring management model. The improvement measures are implemented in two phases. In the first phase, RFID ear tags and sensors are introduced to collect the physical data of dairy cattle. The purpose is to refine cattle health management. In the second phase, the implementation of automatic husbandry facilities to improve the efficiency of the operations. For local barns with about 250 heads of cattle, the two-phase improvement measures are financially feasible in the break-even analysis. If there is a need of cash flow, the local agricultural financial system can support.


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