  • 學位論文


A Study of Traffic Engineering Design and Assessment for ETC Lanes Based on Traffic Safety Analysis at Toll Plazas

指導教授 : 張學孔


台灣地區的高速公路收費系統,由於電子收費(electronic toll collection; ETC)技術的逐步研發測試與建置,已即將邁向另一個嶄新的新紀元。然而,隨著收費技術的進步及多樣化,卻也帶來許多交通工程及交通安全上潛在的危險與問題。因為當駕駛人臨近、通過或駛離收費站時,都會面臨許多的決策點(decesion points),進一步造成車流產生併流(merging)、交織(weaving)、等候車隊(queuing)、分流(diverging)以及速差(differential speeds)等現象,同時也增加側撞、追撞等事故型態肇事的風險。統計研究發現,實施電子收費的確會增加收費站整體肇事的機率及風險,而電子收費車輛在某些條件下,發生事故的風險機率也比其他車輛高,若同時併有其他因素,如超速、酒醉駕車或未繫安全帶等違規情況,則電子收費車道上事故之嚴重程度亦將明顯加重。然檢視現有ETC車道相關的標誌、標線、槽化或緩撞設施等,不論位置、顏色、型式、數量或表示方法等,仍欠缺專業上的考量。本研究即針對收費站在進行電子收費相關設施建置時之整體安全設計提出研議,考量車流運作之安全與效率等分析結果,透過適宜的規劃設計,以期達到合理車道配置、控制速差、標示車道使用特性、降低車道變換及防止車輛的誤闖等目的。研究發現,增加臨近車道長度及增設相關標線與槽化設計、合理的車道寬度以及適當的標誌系統設計等,將有助於提升整體運作的效率與安全,同時配合電子收費車道識別標示系統的建立,可進一步達成統一化、標準化的交通工程設計規範之目的。為進行客觀有效的交通工程改善效果評估,本研究從安全與效率的觀點,透過適當的評估指標及統計分析模式,構建交通工程改善效果評估模式,並利用實例數值分析結果,證實交通工程改善的具體成效。本研究最後引用價值工程分析法,首先以層級分析法(AHP)建立評估準則分析架構,並利用特徵向量求算準則權重,再透過績效指標值與生命週期成本的考量,建立電子收費推動計畫價值方案評估模式,從組合方案中找到兼具合理成本控制且能維持良好績效之價值方案,以協助推動計畫的有效執行。


Due to the introduction of the electronic toll collection (ETC) system in toll plaza, the highway toll collection system in Taiwan has entered into a new era. However, the progress and diversification of ETC system have resulted in potential danger and issues to traffic engineering and traffic safety. When a vehicle comes close to, passes by, or leaves a toll plaza, it would face a number of decision points, causing further merging, weaving, queuing, and diverging of traffic and differential speeds; hence, risks of sideswipe collision, rear-end collision, and other accidents increase. According to statistical results, the ETC system has indeed increased the opportunity and risk of accidents. Under certain conditions, the ETC vehicles have higher chances of being involved in accidents than other vehicles. If other factors exist, such as speeding, drunk driving, buckling-up, and other violations, the severity of accidents in ETC lanes could even aggravated. It is shown that professional consideration is inadequate in designing the position, color, type, quantity, and expression methods of signs, pavement markings, channelization, or crash cushion facilities of the ETC lanes. This study aims to develop safety models to explore traffic safety risks at toll plazas. Analysis results have shown that ETC systems increase the chance of having an accident at the toll plaza. In terms of toll plaza design, signing, marking, and channelization considerations, various traffic engineering improvements are proposed as follows:(1)improvement in lane markings of the approach zone, (2)traffic signs provided to alert drivers not to stop in ETC lanes under any circumstances, (3)enough width of ETC lane to accommodate a high percentage of heavy trucks, and(4)enough length of approach zone to ETC lanes. The results of this study can be considered as a basis for revision of the regulation of traffic control devices. To assess the improvement effect of traffic engineering effectively, this study also develop an framework for assessment of traffic improvement effectiveness from the perspective of safety and efficiency based on empirical analysis results and the Value Engineering Method. Considering balance of a reasonable cost and good performance to help of implementing improvement alternative with consideration of reasonable cost and performance.


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