  • 學位論文


Association between Health-Related Quality of Life and Dietary Habit in Southern Taoyuan county population

指導教授 : 陳秀熙


研究目的:世界衛生組織stepwise慢性疾病風險因子全球監測計畫(Stepwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance)中指出,與慢性疾病發生最相關的八大健康風險因子為吸菸、飲酒、血壓、膽固醇、血糖、體重及蔬果攝取,因此控制好相關之健康風險因子可以有效減少慢性疾病的發生。但在減少慢性疾病發生的同時,對生活品質的影響為何,是否也同樣能增進生活品質,目前相關的研究並不多。本研究嘗試分析此八大健康風險因子與生活品質的相關性,釐清健康風險因子對生活品質的影響,尤其台灣飲食文化豐富,因此飲食習慣會對生活品質有什麼影響,是本研究想探討的重點。 研究方法:為了瞭解飲食習慣及相關健康風險因子與生活品質的相關性,本研究以2006~2009 壢新醫院平鎮地區複合式社區篩檢世代研究之受檢民眾為研究對象。以WHO stepwise 計劃中所選定的八項與慢性疾病相關的健康風險因子為自變項;應變項生活品質則以SF-36生活品質量表來評估。統計方法以混和線性模式複迴歸分析討探各健康行為風險因子與生活品質的相關性;並以因素分析區分飲食構面,釐清飲食習慣對生活品質的影響。最後並建構結構方程模式,探討不同健康風險因子構面與生活品質構面之間的關係。 結果: 結果發現健康行為風險因子中,蔬果攝取與運動對生活品質的影響最為顯著,在調整人口學特徵及其他健康風險因子後,與生活品質評估結果有顯著正相關。在結構方程式分析中的飲食構面對生理健康生活品質及心理健康生活品質的影響,其β值分別為0.0534(±0.0079)及0.0578(±0.0081),P值皆小於0.0001。 結論: 由結果可得知,有健康的飲食習慣,對生活品質有顯著的正面影響。


Objective: According to the “Stepwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance” (STEPS) of WHO, eight health behavior risk factors as 1.Tobacco use 2.Alcohol consumption 3.Diet 4.Physical activity 5.Raised blood pressure 6.Obesity 7.Blood glucose 8.Cholesterol account for chronic disease burden. Health behaviors play an important role in occurecne of chronic diasease, but it is unsure how health behaviors such as dietary habit lead to better HRQoL. We are interested in the relationship between those health risk factors and HRQoL. Besides, there is plentiful dietary culture in Taiwan, our study also aimed to analysis the the effects of diet habits on HRQoL. Methods: The relationship between HRQoL measures and the health risk factors was assessed using data collected between 2006 and 2009 by dint of Li-Shin Outreaching Neighborhood Screening Cohort Study. We used the item from STEPS, selected eight health risk factors as covariates. HRQoL was measured by the 36-item Short From score. The impact of health risk factors on HRQoL was examined through a multiple linear mixed regression model. Furthermore, we used the factor analysis to define the dietary habit construct and examine the associated between dietary habit and HRQoL. Then we used three health behavior risk contructs to bulit the structure equation model. Results: Intake of fruit and vegetable intake and exercise were statistically significantly associated with HRQoL after adjustment for the demographic factors. In the analysis of structure equation model, both regression coefficients of dietary habit construct on physical health quality of life and mental health quality of life were 0.0534(SE±0.0079) and 0.0578(SE±0.0081), which were statistically significant (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: The health dietary habit is statistically significantly related to better HRQoL.


HRQoL dietary habit SF-36 health behavior risk factor


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1.World Health Organization, Chronic disease and health promotion. STEPwise approach to survellence (STEPS). Available at http://www.who.int/chp/steps/en
2.World Health Organization, Constitution for the World Health Organization, Basic Documents, WHO, Geneva, 1948.
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