  • 學位論文


Establishing an Itinerary Planning Model and System -- Using the Travels starting from Taipei as an Example

指導教授 : 朱子豪


旅遊是現在相當蓬勃的產業,是現代人的生活中不可或缺的一部分,且大多數人會在旅遊之前使用網路來查詢旅遊資訊,但目前現有的旅遊網站的旅遊行程提供卻不盡理想,僅是提供旅遊者查詢已經設計好的旅遊行程,加上這些已經設計好的旅遊行程數量通常並不多,相對於旅遊者的數量眾多、需求不同,這些旅遊行程是很難同時滿足如此眾多、不同需求的旅遊者的,因此,建置一個可以為旅遊者依其需求客製化旅遊行程的系統,應是可以對目前旅遊者在規劃旅遊時有相當的幫助。 因此本研究整理現有的旅遊行程規劃知識、與模式,利用觀光旅遊的旅遊行程規劃相關理論,以及規劃旅遊行程的相關實務經驗與統計研究,建立一可客製化的新旅遊行程規劃模式,並應用地理資訊技術建置出可一個自動化規劃旅遊行程的系統,以輔助旅遊者規劃出符合其需求的旅遊行程、並節省過程中的時間花費。 本研究之模式與系統,以旅遊者的旅遊偏好協助篩選適當的景點類型,依景點的適當賞遊時間來安排放入旅遊行程的景點數量與順序,避免過於緊湊的旅遊行程,最後修改運用Oppermann於1995年歸納提出的旅遊路線模式做為景點的順序與空間安排依據,以期旅遊路線可以符合旅遊者之需求。


Tourism is now a vigorous industry, which is also indispensable to people in this era. Most people obtain tourism information by searching on the internet in advance. However, the itinerary information provided by the current tourism websites does not reflect consumers’ needs. They provide only pre-designed itineraries for travellers to choose. Comparing to the large amount of tourists and their varieties of demands, the quantity of these pre-designed itineraries is small and does not satisfy all tourists with their various needs. Therefore, a system which allows travellers to create and adjust itineraries according to their travel preference would be helpful for prospectors. This research sets up an automatic itinerary planning system to assist travellers creating personalized itineraries and reducing the time in searching using the technique of GIS. A new itinerary-planning model is built on the foundation of theories of planning travel itineraries, other related researches, practical experiences, and statistics information. In the model, user’s preferences are criteria used to create appropriate routes of sites and activities. The capacity of each route and the sequence of sites in each route are arranged by the best visiting time. The model of travel itineraries Oppermann brought up in 1995 is also modified and applied to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of planning. The travel itinerary created by this system is more feasible and suitable for users’ demands.


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