  • 學位論文


Query Prediction by Currently-Browsed Web Pages and Its Applications

指導教授 : 鄭卜壬




觸發 網頁 預測 查詢推薦 上下文感知


This thesis reveals the relation between a previously-browsed webpage and a query. First, we display that there are queries triggered by its previously-browsed webpage using real example from the log. A query is triggered by a webpage means that the issued query is related to the webpage that the user had browsed before. Then an analysis is provided to show that almost 30% of queries following a webpage are triggered. A predictor is proposed to detect the triggered queries. We also demonstrate that the predictor can be enhanced by giving previous queries as context. Finally, we shows that the prediction can be applied on a query recommendation system to suggest queries for the currently-browsed web page.


trigger webpage prediction query recommendation context-aware


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[1] http://www.sigir2011.org/
