  • 學位論文


The Informatics Platform Design and Effectiveness Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Interventions on Overweighted Hepatitis B Carriers: A Campus-Based Study

指導教授 : 蘇喜


本校健康科學與生活研究中心提出跨科技整合之預防醫學研究計畫,並配合台灣本土之特色,將研究對象定為慢性B型肝炎病毒感染者(B型肝炎帶原者),且體重過重或中心肥胖的臺灣大學教職員生及校友,研究目的為針對以上族群進行多重介入實驗,包含講座課程、運動課程、飲食營養介入以及資訊平台介入,經介入結束後評估效果,期望給予身體心理及社會層面的健康促進。收集介入前後的測量數據,經初步的統計分析後,顯示體重、BMI、體脂率、總膽固醇、脂肪肝Fatty score等項目的改善,具有統計顯著性。 同時為了研究需求,本研究開發了一套多功能健康管理平台,來作為衛教資訊的傳播工具、學員與醫療團隊間的社群互動工具、學員的自我健康管理工具,以及研究資料的收集、記錄、計算處理、與呈現工具,並實踐了許多健康管理的理念。本資訊平台的開發是一個探索學習的過程,此資訊平台深具進一步發展的潛力,功能將陸續擴充,逐漸符合國民日常生活的健康管理需求。 本研究的成果除了作為瞭解教職員生及校友健康狀況之前期研究,未來亦可作為本中心促進社會大眾健康狀況並提昇產業發展的前哨站。


The Health Science and Wellness Center of National Taiwan University (NTU) propose a cross-integration prevention medicine research plan. The target group of study are overweight NTU staff, students and alumni with chronic Hepatitis B infectors. The purpose of this study is to learn and evaluate the outcome of intervention by providing seminars, exercise programs, health nutrition and informatics platform intervention. From the data collection and analysis, it shows the body weight control, BMI, total cholesterol and liver fatty score are improved significantly. For research requirement, we developed a versatile web-based health management informatics plateform as a health education tool, a communication tool for members, an experiment data collecting tool, and a health state presentation tool. After practical usage, we found this plateform is competent for our purpose and it realize some good health management idea. Web-based health management informatics plateform has a promising potential in medical industry.


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