  • 學位論文

島、國之間的「族群」-- 臺灣蘭嶼Tao與菲律賓巴丹島Ivatan關係史的當代想像

"Ethnic Group" Existed betwixt and between Islands and States -- on Contemporary Imaginations of Historical Relationships among the Tao from Orchid Island, Taiwan and the Ivatan from Batanes Islands,the Philippines

指導教授 : 謝世忠
共同指導教授 : 浦忠成 羅素玫


摘 要 本研究回顧近三、四百年來臺灣蘭嶼與菲律賓巴丹的區域互動歷史,並探討Tao與Ivatan雙方,從原本可能同源共祖,後因故分隔而導致交往中斷,如今則藉由頻繁的「尋根」交流活動,再度重建昔時歷史關係與族群網絡,以及兩地關係史如何進行其跨國境的當代想像等議題。 本論文擬具體比較研究兩地的關係史與當代交往潮,以及人魚網絡、經濟型態與族群意識等比較民族誌之內涵,並期能藉由兩地原鄉「客」與異鄉「人」的關係網絡、現代性與當代族群的想像共同體,以及全球化與在地化等面向的整合分析,進而建構出兩地關係史的當代想像與理解脈絡。時值全球多元族群日趨同質化發展之際,本研究期能透過各種管道與媒介所營造的觀點,在全球化的文化向度之下,引領讀者看見更多有關Tao-Ivatan此一跨境「合成式」族裔群體的族群景觀,及其跨境建構的想像共同體。 總之,本研究一方面提出「蘭嶼-巴丹」區域研究的分析框架;另一方面,亦希望能透過歷史分析與文化詮釋的雙重檢視,對當代蘭嶼與巴丹島伴隨後殖民國家政體、資本主義、全球化等現代性議題而來的劇烈社會文化變遷,留下些許歷史記錄與文化反省,讓臺灣蘭嶼與菲律賓巴丹島之間的跨國境族群關係與文化體系,能有重新建構,更臻完善的契機。換言之,本研究期能透過蘭嶼與巴丹兩地族群關係網與區域共同體的交織層疊,進而全面地呈現出兩地關係史的當代想像,讓Tao-Ivatan此一島、國之間的「族群」,得以躍出停格的島嶼與國家界線,在全球化與在地化雙重機制的顯影下,展現其現代性與地方性兼容並蓄的族群景觀,讓我們在全球化的世界體系之下,仍得以看見每一個族群的在地特色,及其文化的能動性。


族群 蘭嶼 巴丹島 Tao,Ivatan 關係史 當代想像


Abstract Reviewing the history of regional interactions between Taiwan and the Philippines over the last three or four hundred years, the dissertation explores how the historical relationships between Orchid Island and Batan Island are constructed in the context of contemporary imagination. Sharing likely ancestral origin and cognate language, the Tao in Orchid Island and the Ivatan in Batan Island once discontinued their exchange and communication for some reasons, but nowadays the local peoples are rebuilding their historical relationships and ethnic networks by tracing their roots. As a comparative ethnography, this dissertation analyzes people-fish networks, economic models, and ethnic awareness entangled in historical relationships and contemporary exchange. To present how regional histories are conceived in a contemporary fashion, I investigate the relational networks between ‘home guests’ and ‘alien hosts’, the imagined communities of contemporary ethnicity in modernity, and the intersection between globalization and localization. In the emerging trend towards the homogenization of diversified ethnic groups, this research attempts to reveal the ‘ethnoscape’ of the two cross-border peoples using multi-perspectives and cultural dimensions of globalization. In conclusion, I propose an analytical framework for regional studies of Orchid Island and Batan Island. With historical analysis and cultural interpretation, this dissertation examines the substantial social and cultural changes accompanied by post-colonial administration, capitalism and globalization, intending to record the histories in cultural introspection and to reconstruct the ethnic relations and cultural systems of cross-border ethnic groups in Taiwan and the Philippines. In other words, superimposing relational networks onto regional communities, this research is aimed at representing the contemporary reflections on historical relationships in order to manifest the ethnicity embedded in the boundary between islands and states, as well as to embody the ethnoscape imbued with modernity and locality. Finally, I would argue that even under the world system, local ethnic idiosyncrasies and cultural agency can still be rendered clearly discernible.


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