  • 學位論文


The Making of Civil Servant:An Analysis of Female Restrictions in The National Examination From the Perspective of Feminist Legal History

指導教授 : 陳昭如


依照憲法,人人有應考試服公職的權利,但長期以來,台灣的國家考試中存在性別限制,公部門利用特種考試性別限額、體格限制、體能限制、甚至不編制女人工作部門,排除女性於公部門外、將女人納於低職等的位置上;相對地,女人一再質疑針對女性所作的性別限制,在不同的時代以不同的方式抗議不公平的考試規範,對抗公部門對女性的排除。 從七〇年代女性由於教育資源改善,在勞動市場的選擇也增加,考公職的女性越來越多,但卻伴隨著特種考試女性限額;而考試機關彼時推動考試用人合一的改革,使公務員錄取員額大量降低,用人機關亦不想錄用女性的狀況下,考試機關甚至欲〈考試法〉修正時於一般性的高普考中限制性別。當時的女性考大學惹來紛爭,引發呂秀蓮以新女性主義回擊;面對國家考試性別限制,亦有個別女性對此抗議。〈考試法〉修正後,並沒有擴大性別限制,八〇年代時考試機關繼續推動考用合一,考用合一所代表的是憲法第85條的公開考試、也是實質平等的實踐。另方面,卻看不到針對女性限額的不公平;此外,考用制度也決定了誰進入公部門,包括服務員、社工員等做女人的工作的女性,作常用的工作卻以被以臨時工的〈聘用人員聘用條例〉雇用,顯然不被承認為公部門的一員。一九八七年開始,婦運透過〈男女工作平等法〉草案、〈婦女憲章〉對女性性別限額提出論述,包括提出真實職業資格,此資格也在〈公務人員考試法〉中出現,卻顯示了本質化差異的可能。2000年後婦女團體成員進入國家機關,倡議性別主流化,也取消了不少性別限額,改善國家考試上的女性限制,以多元考試取才作為配套措施。只是,當透過多元考試亦出現性別篩選的現象時,測驗所產生的差別影響,似乎需要基進的性別參與改善之。以婦女保障名額/性別比例制度作為比較,似乎在公部門中的參與裡,亦需要如性別比例制度般積極的性別藍圖,才可能真正參與與改變。


According to constitutional law, the people have the right to participate in the national examinations. However, there exists a long history of restrictions to women’s participation in national examinations, in which women have routinely been excluded from the civil service by the imposition of gender quotas, physical and fitness requirements. Additionally, even when women haven been allowed into government agencies, they were often excluded from the civil service. At the same time, Taiwanese women have continuously questioned such restrictions. Throughout history, many have, in ways specific to the particular place and time, protested against such inequalities, disassembling them one step at a time. In the 1970s, improved access to education and the labor market for women led to an increasing number of women seeking public jobs; but with it, came limitations to women’s participation in national examinations. A revolt toward this pushed by the national board of examination at the time significantly decreased the hiring rate of civil servants. At the same time Hsiu-Lien Annette Lu proclaimed New Feminism in response to controversies around female students sitting for the standardized college entrance exam, individual women protested against female restrictions in national examinations. Into the 1980s, the Examination Yuan continued its move towards centralized testing and placement, promoting openness and fairness of the examinations, but it never redressed the inequity of the imposition of quota limitations targeted specifically at women. On the other hand, such centralized testing and placement determined who and in what position constituted a governmental employee. Instead of being recognized as formal governmental positions, certain positions filled mostly by women (i.e. docents and social workers), while being full time and permanent in nature, were often filled using temporary contracts. Since 1987, the women’s movement put forth arguments against limited membership on women through the Act of Gender Equality in Employment Law and Women's Charter, including recommendations for bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), which also appeared in Civil Service Examinations Act. This, however, in a sense also brought about a form of essentialized difference. Besides, comparing with disparate impact discriminations in the U.S., we should consider not only the disparate treatments, but also the disparate impacts. After 2000, members of women's groups advocated gender mainstreaming in and through central government agencies. At the same time, they replaced many quotas based on gender with admission according to multifaceted examinations. However, gender filtering also took place with this new examination format, and comparing it to the reserved quota for women and the gender proportional system, it seems that in order to effect real change, affirmative action in the government is necessary.


李悅端、柯志明 (1994),小型企業的經營與性別分工:以五分埔成衣業社區為案例的分析,台灣社會研究季刊,17期,頁41-81。


