  • 學位論文


Evaluation of gray-black spiny ant (Polyrhachis dives) as a potential species strengthening biotic resistance to fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) re-invasion

指導教授 : 石正人
共同指導教授 : 楊景程(Chin-Cheng Yang)


目前所使用的防治餌劑雖然可達到在感染區抑制入侵紅火蟻族群,若我們要達到地區長期沒有火蟻侵擾的終極目標,牠們對於防治後區域的再入侵對我們就是一個重大的挑戰。因此,找出方法以減輕紅火蟻再入侵的風險(如削弱周邊火蟻量或增加地區生物抗性能力)是相當刻不容緩的。這項研究是針對增加生物抗性的方式作為策略:嘗試採取本地螞蟻物種主要藉由競爭或捕食行為來阻止火蟻的擴散。黑棘蟻 (Polyrhachis dives) 因經常被觀察到與紅火蟻在野外有相當之互動性而被選用來作進一步評估的螞蟻物種。在單隻工蟻的行為實驗中發現,黑棘蟻對於紅火蟻表現出一系列的主動行為。這個結果顯示,此本土種有潛力擔當阻饒紅火蟻再入侵的角色。此外,本實驗還討論到產蜜昆蟲之存在對於兩種螞蟻物種競爭上的影響 (本研究中採用同樣是外來入侵種的木瓜秀粉介殼蟲, Paracoccus marginatus),因為對此二螞蟻種而言,以產蜜昆蟲所產生的蜜露是重要的碳水化合物來源而存在競爭關係,尤其曾被報導出產蜜昆蟲會有效強化紅火蟻的入侵能力與族群豐度。研究結果顯示在單隻工蟻與族群實驗中,黑棘蟻作為攻擊行為及領域意識高的物種,有能力以物理攻擊造成紅火蟻族群的損失。加入產蜜昆蟲之後,黑棘蟻更強化其領域性的發揮,增加與紅火蟻的遭遇進而達到競爭行為的發起。


Although bait broadcast is able to achieve local suppression of fire ant population in most of infested areas, re-invasion by fire ants into previously controlled area from periphery represents a significant challenge if areas with long-term fire ant-free are the ultimate goal. Accordingly, how to mitigate the re-invasion risk, such as weakening peripheral populations of fire ants or increasing the strength of biotic resistance of bait-controlled areas, seems highly prioritized. This study aims the latter strategy and attempts to use native ants that are competent of preventing dispersing fire ants from establishment via predation or competition. The gray-black spiny ant, Polyrhachis dives, a native ant species that was frequently observed coexisting with fire ants, was selected for further evaluation and experimental tests. Behavioral assays (individual interaction) showed that workers of P. dives exhibit a series of aggressive behaviors when encountered with fire ants, suggesting that this native ant may hold the key to interfere the success rate of re-invasion by fire ants. Furthermore, this study also discussed how the presence of honeydew-producing insects (for instance, invasive mealybugs, Paracoccus marginatus, in this study) influences the competitive relationship between these two ant species since carbohydrate from honeydew is important resource for which both ant species exploit and compete. Result shows that Po. dives has high aggressive behavior and territoriality and be able to damage the colony of S. invicta by the physical attacks. When the Pa. marginaius had been joined to this relationship, the increase sense of territory subjoins the encounter opportunities and competition of those two ants.


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