  • 學位論文


Interrelation of Wu Zhong Literati and Shi Shuo Xin Yu in Sixteenth-Century Ming China

指導教授 : 張蓓蓓


「世說」可以認為一個時代所反映出來的聲音情貌的總稱,明代空前的「世說潮」也是觀察明人心聲的關鍵之一。本文主要是從十六世紀明代「吳中文士」切入,勾勒出在他們的詩文、「世說體」著作、日常生活中揉合著《世說》所帶出來的多元樣貌。透過「名士風格」、「世說體」、「復古文論」、「詩歌典故」的四大縱向線索,集中剖析吳中文士如何運用《世說》以投射出自身的身分認同、文學審美觀、生命價值及情感認同等。 本文反思以往研究偏重「世說體」單一面向,試圖從「《世說》」原典切入,廣泛深論明代讀者與《世說》之間對話與交涉的多面性。王寵、袁褧、黃省曾、何良俊以及王世貞、王世懋等「吳中文士」,實為閱讀《世說》的主群。他們多是明代社會大轉型時期因科場失意而邊緣化到「官僚體制外」的布衣文士。唯王世貞、王世懋雖已厠身「體制內」,然政治疏離化心態仍然強烈,與吳中布衣文士接受《世說》之間仍有雷同傾向。 本文緒論,界定標題,反思前人研究成果,並交代研究目的與方法。第二章透過文獻傳播軌跡的耙梳以及同好範圍的勾勒,獲得明代中葉《世說》的主要傳播區域及閱讀主群為「吳中文士」的結果。第三章則在吳中文士中以王寵、何良俊、王世貞為範例,論述他們在自我身分認同的過程中如何以魏晉名士的生命經歷為師法對象。第四章以《何氏語林》、《世說新語補》兩部「世說體」著作為論述主軸,前者附帶探索人論意義,後者則分析《世說補》一書的影響與世貞兄弟在明代《世說》傳播上的地位。第五章試圖從復古文論的角度切入,論述明代《世說新語》的復興與當時文壇之間的連動,以及《世說新語》典故之所以大量運用的可能原因。


“Tales of the World” is a summative term for the voice and the face of an era. In the unprecedented Shi Shuo wave in Ming dynasty lies the key to understanding the mindset of the Ming people, or so I will argue. My thesis looks specifically at “the Wu Zhong Literati” in sixteenth-century Ming dynasty and aims to bring out the pervading Shi Shuo elements in the various aspects of their mundane life. Their poetry, essays, and Shi Shuo Imitation will be discussed. Four themes stand out in my thesis: (1) Ming Shi life style, (2) Shi Shuo Imitation, (3) literary theory of the Revivalist School, and (4) allusion. I will focus specifically on analyzing how the Wu Zhong Literati use Shi Shuo to project their self-identity, literary taste, view of life, and emotional identification. The past relevant research on Shi Shuo Imitation tends to be lopsided. My thesis aims to correct for this by examining the original classic book of Shi Shuo in a more comprehensive and deeper way. I will elaborate on the multiple facets of the interaction between Shi Shuo and its readers in Ming dynasty. The main readership of Shi Shuo includes the Wu Zhong Literati, people such as Wang Chong, Yuan Jiong, Huang Xingzeng, He Liangjun, Wang Shizhen and Wang Shimao. Most of these people share the common characteristics of failing the imperial examination and becoming marginalized mundane literati who were kept out of the doors of the bureaucratic system. The rare exceptions, Wang Shizhen and Wang Shimao, though being in the system, still remain in a politically nonchalant mindset, and thus still bear close resemblance in this regard to those Wu Zhong Literati influenced by Shi Shuo. The structure of my thesis is as follows. The introduction defines the topic, surveys the previous relevant research, and explicates the research purpose and methodology. Chapter two aims to argue that the Wu Zhong Literati are the main readership of Shi Shuo. I shall do this by tracing how the relevant literatures disseminate and by delineating the scope of common bond amongst the Wu Zhong Literati. The third chapter will use Wang Chong, He Liangjun, and Wang Shizhen as examples to illustrate how the Wu Zhong Literati regard Wei Jin Ming Shi as role models. Chapter 4 will focus on two works of Shi Shuo Imitation: He Shi Yu Lim and Shi Shuo Xin Yu Bu. The former work explores the meaning of an essay on man, while the latter analyzes Shi Shuo Bu as well as the roles of Wang Shizhen and his brother in the process of dissemination. Chapter five elaborates on the revival of Shi Shuo and its relations with the literary circles. The angle employed here will be that of the literary theory of the Revivalist School.


王璦玲主編:《明清文學與思想中之情、理、欲(文學篇) 》(台北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2009年)
