  • 學位論文


The study on wilt diseases of chrysanthemum and their control

指導教授 : 孫岩章


杭菊 Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam 為多年生草本植物,其頭狀花序經乾燥後可作為藥用或飲料,具有保健功效。臺灣杭菊種植主要分布於苗栗以及台東地區。杭菊栽培過程病蟲害甚多,尤其近年來杭菊萎凋病在苗栗及臺東等杭菊種植地區皆造成危害,嚴重時田間植株死亡率可超過一成,其中以連作田更為嚴重。為探討造成臺灣杭菊萎凋病之病原,本研究自苗栗杭菊萎凋病株分離出鐮胞菌及若干細菌分離株,將菌株回接於健康苗株完成柯霍氏法則檢定,發現所得之細菌分離株具有病原性,而鐮胞菌分離株則無。雖然經由 TTC 培養基培養細菌分離株形態與青枯病相似,但分子定序結果確認此病原細菌分離株為伯克氏菌 Burkholderia gladioli。雖然本試驗結果顯示只有細菌分離株能造成萎凋病徵,但仍無法排除與鐮胞菌行共同感染之可能性。另外,探討以抗生素對病原之抑制效果,盆栽試驗結果發現處理組與對照組並無顯著差異。而以三種市售生物防治資材盆栽試驗防治效果,所得結果指出枯草桿菌 Bacillus subtilis WG6-14 製劑金雞牌賜倍效有較顯著之防治效果。選擇檢測艾草及越山菊作為抗病根砧之有效性,並先以根浸接種法確認艾草及越山菊皆沒有出現萎凋症狀。再以嫁接杭菊接穗之嫁接株進行浸根接種測試,結果顯示嫁接株以無菌水處理之對照組與接種處理皆未發生萎凋病徵。由此些結果推論以嫁接方法防治杭菊細菌性萎凋病害應具有發展之潛力。


Chrysanthemum Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam is a perennial herb, whose head inflorescence can be used as herbal medicine or herb drinks after drying process, and it has been reported to have a wide range of health benefits. Chrysanthemum in Taiwan is grown mainly in Miaoli and Taitung. Chrysanthemum can be affected by many diseases; over the last few years, the wilt disease of chrysanthemum caused serious yield loss in Miaoli and Taitung regoins. Over 10 percent of chrysanthemum withered in the field, especially in continuous cropping gardens, where the disease spreads seriously. To investigate the the causing agent of chrysanthemum wilt in Taiwan, several isolates of Fusarium spp. and bacteria were obtained from diseased plants collected from Miaoli chrysanthemum gardens in this study. The results of pathogenicity test showed that the bacteria isolates had pathogenicity while the Fusarium spp. did not. Though the colony phenotype of bacteria isolates on the TTC medium was similar to Ralstonia solanacearum, the molecular sequencing identification confirmed that the cause of chrysanthemum wilt should be Burkholderia gladioli. However, the possibility of co-infection with Fusarium cannot be excluded. Three antibiotics were chosen to control the chrysanthemum wilt in this study, and the results showed that there were no significant difference between the water control and the antibiotic treatments in a pot assay. The applications of three microbial agents for controlling the chrysanthemum wilt disease showed Bacillus subtilis WG6-14 had better control effect than the other treatments. Next, artemisia and Yue-Shan chrysanthemum were chosen to screen for resistance rootstocks. Both artemisia and Yue-Shan chrysanthemum grafted plants showed no wilt symptom after inoculation by a root-dipping method. The grafted plants of the sterile water control treatments and inoculated treatments by the root-dipping method presented no wilt symptom. According to these results, the grafting method has great potential as a control mean for chrysanthemum wilt.


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