  • 學位論文


Effect of Antecedent Precipitation for Rainfall-Induced Landslide Warning System

指導教授 : 劉格非


降雨為激發土砂災害的主要因子,過去已有許多學者針對降雨誘發土砂災害機制進行了多年研究並發展了各式以雨量為指標的警戒系統。在多數以雨量為警戒的系統中,探討前期降雨對土砂災害的影響多採用前期降雨指數(Antecedent Rainfall Index, API)來描述前期降雨與前期土壤含水量之間關係,亦即利用此指數來判定前期降雨對坡地穩定性的影響程度。而台灣目前係以降雨驅動指標(Rainfall Triggering Index, RTI)進行土砂災害預警,利用降雨強度與有效累積雨量相乘訂定各鄉鎮臨界降雨警戒值(Critical rainfall value),其中有效累積雨量係以當時刻的降雨在加上前七天的前期降雨量。在前期降雨量計算公式中的衰減係數多以人為訂定為主,且全台灣皆採用相同的衰減係數,然而在真實情況下衰減係數應針對不同地區的土壤性質而有所不同。故本文以此想法為出發點,以南投縣信義鄉神木村愛玉子溪集水區歷史土石流事件為研究對象,藉由求解一維坡地理查方程式(Richards’ equation),並結合無限邊坡理論之物理預警模式,計算前期降雨入滲過程造成土體內孔隙水壓變化及邊坡穩定性。首先利用相關係數觀念找出前期降雨指數中最能描述前期土壤含水量的衰減係數,並代入現今台灣土砂災害預警系統中進行比較。而後針對不同透水係數進行無限邊坡穩定之物理預警模式計算,當物理模式判定邊坡處於不穩定時,此時的有效累積降雨量應當與臨界降雨警戒值(Critical rainfall value)相等,以此觀念反推有效累積雨量的係數值,並針對不同的透水係數與衰減係數做一探討,以供後續土砂災害預警系統即時預警之參考。


Rainfall is widely recognized as an important factor in the landslide disaster. Therefore, rainfall-induced warning systems are the most commonly used landslide warning systems and has been established for many years. In the rainfall-based landslide warning system, most researchers used the empirical methods to consider the effect of antecedent rainfall and antecedent soil moisture for occurrence of the landslide, named the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API). In Taiwan, we use rainfall intensity product effective accumulated rainfall for landslide warning. As effective accumulated rainfall, we consider antecedent rainfall and use the same decay constant in Taiwan. However, for the real cases, the decay constant should base on the different soil type. In this study, a rainfall infiltration model was developed based on the one-dimensional Richards equation and combined with the infinite slope stability analysis. By the model, the time-dependent change of pore water pressure and volumetric water content can be calculated and can let us know the relationship between the antecedent moisture and the antecedent rainfall. Furthermore, with the different hydraulic conductivity, when the deterministic model gives the landslide warning, the effective accumulated rainfall should be equal to the critical rainfall value. Based on this concept, we can find out the best decay constant for the Antecedent Precipitation Index in Shenmu village, Taiwan.


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