  • 學位論文


Invisible Tears: A Study on Home Care Workers’ Experience of Detachment

指導教授 : 林萬億


本研究是探討居家照顧服務員在投入照顧工作中,面對受照顧者死別情境下的經驗與歷程。研究者試圖描繪出居家照顧服務的情境氛圍,會使照顧雙方形成親密的情感關係,並聚焦探討居服員在面對受照顧者逐漸退化而邁向死亡的歷程下,所帶來的悲傷情緒以及哀悼方式。 研究是以「 事取向」作為研究途徑,採用半結構式的深度訪談法,以 5 位居服員投入居家照顧服務的個人生命經驗作為 事資料的蒐集來源,以 事 分析先以整體觀點勾勒出居服員個人生命歷程的樣貌,再以類別觀點針對面對 死別情境的內在情緒反應與因應歷程,完整地將悲傷經驗的圖像描繪出來。 研究結果與發現: 一、替居服員發聲:去人性化的照顧管理下,居服員提供人性化照顧的矛盾。 居服員從居家情境氛圍的適應、建立照顧的親密關係等,保有「人性化」的意 涵,卻在照顧管理下,人性化照顧被「辦公室規定」僵化,而沒有討論空間與 彈性。 二、讓居服員被看見:投入情感與內在情緒是重要且有價值!在情感關係基礎 下,居服員會因著受照顧者的情緒起伏而影響內在情緒與壓力,需學會在「專 業」與「情感」關係間拿捏情感投入與關係界線的能力。 三、為居服員倡議:居服員面對死別情境下之被剝奪的悲傷,因著缺乏表達悲 傷的正當性、承接喪親者悲傷、居服工作場域對死亡的噤聲以及工作情境沒有 空間和時間表達悲傷,使得居服員對死別情境下的悲傷與哀悼過程被剝奪。 四、與居服員同舟共濟:面對悲傷的哀悼方式為賦予回憶意義感、轉念以及追 求好走,成為居服員面對悲傷支持的力量 。


This study aims to explore the issue about the detachment of client which home- care workers encountered. This research used a narrative approach to understand home-care worker’s grief and bereavement experience. Relying upon narrative inquiry, semi-structured and in- depth interviews, this study focused on the life and working experience of care- workers and tried to understand the interpretation and meaning of clients’ death and to what extent they are prepared and mourning for this experience. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Home-care workers describe their work as highly personalized caring labor, but this characteristic is disregarded in the management of home care management. 2. It’s important for the care workers not only to involve in the relationship with service recipients, but also to balance affection and professional boundaries. 3. The care workers are unable to grieve when facing the clients passed away, so they are overwhelmed with the emotional impact of each loss, the cumulative burden of ongoing grief, and the lack of support from the organization. The care workers finally have to be on their own to change their mind.


林春只、曾明月(2005)。照顧服務員工作滿意度及其相關因素之探討,長期照 護雜誌, 9(4), 349-360 。
