  • 學位論文

利用細胞與動物模式探討半枝蓮對人類肺癌CL1-5 細 胞治療的效用

Scutellaria barbata D. Don induced autophagy in human lung cancer cells in vivo and in vitro

指導教授 : 王淑慧


癌症目前已躍居國人十大死亡原因之首,而肺癌也成為男女癌症死因之第一位。因此找出有效治療肺癌的方法,成為了當務之急。研究顯示半枝蓮(Scutellaria barbata D. Don; SB)具有清熱解毒及治療各種癌症腫瘤的作用。但其抗腫瘤作用機制尚不清楚。因此本篇實驗利用半枝蓮的提取物(SB)進行了體內抗腫瘤及體外對細胞毒性的實驗,以了解半枝蓮的抗癌作用及對生物體的功能影響。在體內實驗方面,我們將CL1-5人類肺腺癌細胞,皮下注射於BALB/c 裸鼠背側形成腫瘤,並給予腹腔注射SB來觀察在裸鼠身上移植性腫瘤的影響。在體外方面,觀察SB對於CL1-5人類肺腺癌細胞是透過什麼路徑來造成細胞毒性的影響。初步實驗結果顯示,在SB對於在裸鼠身上移植性腫瘤,發現有抑制腫瘤生長的趨勢,雖然無統計上顯著表現,但從外觀上可明顯判斷出差異。在體外實驗方面,SB 有效抑制CL1-5 細胞存活率,並且會增加細胞自噬的路徑相關蛋白質的表現,顯示SB 可能是藉由增加CL1-5 產生自噬,減少細胞的存活率。總結本篇實驗SB對於CL1-5人類肺腺癌細胞,不論在體內或體外實驗的確有抑制腫瘤細胞生長的效果,期望未來能夠成為在抗腫瘤方面的潛力藥物。


Lung cancer is most common type in Taiwan. Therefore, it is important to find an effective treatment of lung cancer. Several studies showed that scutellaria barbataD. Don(SB)has detoxification and anti-cancer effects. But the precise effects and mechanisms of SB on lung cancer was still unclear. The aim of thestudy was to evaluate the therapeutic effect and mechanismof SB on lung cancer in in vivoand in vitrostudy. In in vivoexperiments, SB showed a tendency to inhibit tumor growth in transplanted tumors in nude mice.In in vitroexperiments, SB reduced the CL1-5 cell viability in a dose dependent manner. And the cytotoxicityeffect was caused by autophagy. Inthis study, the use of SB for CL1-5 cells, which showed a positive effect in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in nude mice in both in vivo and in vitro experiments, is hoped to become a future potential drug to treat lung cancer patients.


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