  • 學位論文


Innovative Business Model for Novel Recyclable Solar Cells

指導教授 : 陳文華


氣候變遷、巴黎氣候協議、2050淨零碳排宣言等議題引發世界關注也接續出現在我們生活之中,世界各地出現極端氣候,地球真的與過去不同了。為了有所作為,各國政府與品牌大廠宣示提高再生能源佔比,包括風能與太陽電池,其中2050年前太陽能需求將成長20倍以上。但太陽能電池與所有電器用品一樣壽命有限,終將淘汰退役,在低價值回收、低成本掩埋下該如何做選擇?於是全球開始啟動循環經濟、綠色永續等綠色革命,要求政府與企業正視環保與回收問題,各界開始盤點及研發相關技術、制定法規,希望在無可挽回前做到有效改善。 本次研究有幸與工研院材化所技術團隊聯繫後展開合作,團隊擁有多項太陽能相關技術與專利,驚覺原來臺灣已具備面對循環經濟新時代的實力,團隊專長包含熱裂解回收技術與模組創新設計,可大幅提高汰役及廢太陽能電池以及易拆解全回收太陽能電池模組回收價值,太陽能電池模組經工研院發明的設計,使模組殘餘價值從12%大幅提高到50%,極具循環新經濟的價值。該團隊具備技術實力與多國專利,惟缺乏將技術商品化的經驗,與合適的商業模式,因此本研究將針對以上兩技術進行商業分析、建構財務模型,並提出潛在商機與新技術切入點,證明永續循環新技術在商品化後仍具獲利空間。 本研究從全球太陽能電池需求、太陽能電池回收需求、乃至於供應鏈分析與重要且具明確回收法規的太陽能發電市場(臺灣、歐洲、日本、美國)進行研究。接著針對太陽能電池熱裂解回收技術與易拆解全回收太陽能電池模組進行技術優勢、碳足跡、綠色價值分析和商業模式設計,本個案設定透過工研院材化所進行技術移轉,成立新創公司為目標,並創造全新易拆解全回收太陽能電池策略聯盟保障供應鏈成員權益,最後透過營收、成本、政府補貼等現金流彙整建立新創公司臺灣回收廠財務預測模型,分析新技術獲利能力。 經研究證明熱裂解回收與易拆解全回收模組太陽能電池技術經創新商業模式和策略聯盟資源整合,將獲得相當高的利潤報酬,證明循環經濟、綠色轉型只要具創新與高附加價值也能創造新商機,本研究提供商業模式和盈利模式供其他循環經濟、綠色轉型相關技術、產業生態圈、企業、企業家做參考,實踐循環台灣、造福全球的理念。


Climate change, The Paris Agreement, and net zero carbon issues have emerged in our daily lives. We are living under extreme climatic conditions. The earth has changed, and we human beings have to change. To do so, governments from each nation have claimed to raise the proportion of renewable energy and solar power. However, like every electrical appliance, photovoltaic modules and solar cells have a limited lifespan and must face elimination and retirement. Therefore, should we select the current low-value recycling and go landfill of the rest? Administration and enterprises must confront the problems by circular economy and environmental protection before irreversibility. The research focuses on two breakthrough technologies on photovoltaic module by a R D team from Material and Chemical Research Laboratories (MCL) at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). The novel technology is to delaminate PV modules by a pyrolysis process of bonding material. As a result, the “Easy Disassemble Photovoltaic Module,” by re-design could then re-use and re-circulate most of the materials, so that the residual value of module could be increased from current 12% to 50%. This paper conducts business analysis, business model, and financial model building. The goal is to deliver market potential and entry point of new technologies. This research demonstrates that as re-design, re-cycling, circularity, and sustainability co-work with innovative business model could create profitable market in the future. This thesis analyzes photovoltaic ecosystem, including forecasting of installation and recycling demand, supply chain, and national recycling regulations (e.g., Taiwan, EU, Japan, United States). The carbon footprint and green value of two photovoltaic technologies' together with new business models are also proposed. The study presumes MCL/ITRI licenses technologies to the start-up and initiates a new strategic alliance called “Easy Disassemble Photovoltaic Cells Alliance, EDPA,” to protect the profit and rights of the members. The study proves that two technologies will be immensely profitable, which authenticates circular economy and green transformation could generate market opportunities. It provides examples of business and profit models to other circular-economy-related technologies, enterprises, and entrepreneurs. In the hope, to reach “Circular Taiwan, Benefit the World.”


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