  • 學位論文


FlickBoard: Enabling Trackpad Interaction with Automatic Mode Switching on a Capacitive-sensing Keyboard

指導教授 : 陳彥仰


本篇論文描述一個將傳統鍵盤與操作指標裝置的觸控板合併在同 一個互動空間中的互動輸入系統,FlickBoard。本系統透過將兩個經常 交互使用的傳統輸入裝置合併成一個裝置來降低使用者的手部移動距 離,並且可以全自動的切換輸入模式。本團隊開發的原型機種將一個 58x20 的電容式觸控線路嵌入在矽膠鍵盤膜上,並且直接固定在一般 的孤島式鍵盤上。本系統利用機器學習的演算法來分辨使用者目前的 意圖,並且自動啟用鍵盤或者觸控板。目前本系統在 5 次交叉驗證中 可以達到 98% 的準確率。


觸控 人機界面


We present FlickBoard, which combines a touchpad and a keyboard into the same interaction area to reduce hand movement between separate key- boards and touchpads. It supports automatic input mode detection and switch- ing (ie. touchpad vs keyboard mode) without explicit user input. We devel- oped a prototype by embedding a 58x20 capacitive sensing grid into a soft keyboard cover, and uses machine learning to distinguish between moving a cursor (touchpad mode) and entering text (keyboard mode). We conducted experimental studies that show automatic mode switching classification ac- curacies of 98% are achievable with our technology. Finally, our prototype has a thin profile and can be placed over existing keyboards.


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