  • 學位論文

台灣「背光模組產業」的組織文化、組織行為與協力網絡— 一個協力網絡商的觀點(2007-2012)

A Study on the Organizational Culture, Organizational Behavior and Subcontractor Networks of the Backlight Module Industry in Taiwan: From the Viewpoint of a Subcontractor(2007-2012)

指導教授 : 張志銘


台灣高科技代工雖然為台灣建立起「代工王國」的美名,卻因代工毛利逐漸遭到壓縮,發生產值與獲利出現背離的「微利化」現象,而陷入代工困境;另外一方面,鴻海集團旗下富士康在2014年初爆出重大企業內部貪污事件,反映出高科技代工業普遍存在的企業賄賂問題。而就作者從2007-2012期間從業於背光模組供應鏈時,觀察到這兩者看似毫無相關的現象,其成因某種程度都指向產業內部的生態與文化,以及協力廠商間的互動關係。 對此,本文研究目的為:以本人所處背光模組產業為核心,以路徑依賴為核心,從組織文化、組織行為與協力網絡等因素找出代工業喪失競爭優勢、轉型困難,與內部貪腐叢生的成因。其中並欲回答:代工業產業發展路徑、產業結構與企業運營方式為何?產業內從業人員如何互動並形塑出何種價值序列?代工業協力網絡架構呈現什麼樣的現象?產業內部是否有共通的組織文化與組織行為?對產業發展造成什麼樣影響?並透過與韓國大陸經驗的比較,說明:韓國面板產業與台灣競爭策略的差異,大陸市場崛起造成兩岸廠商角色改變與心態變化與台灣、韓國、大陸的從業人員工作態度、價值觀與工作表現的差異。 整體而言,本文認為社會的傳統觀念與產業發展路徑會對產業各個主體的價值觀以及行為模式造成影響,並形塑出共通性的組織文化與組織行為,以及協力網絡的運作結構。這些文化、行為與結構又會回過頭來影響從業人員而生成多樣的從業型態。這些主體間的辯證互動會產生趨力決定產業未來的走向。因此,所有「○○經驗」都有其獨特性,而這些經驗藉由學術所透析出來的因素並不能還原析經驗的原貌,是以要「複製」原本的經驗是不可能的。 「產業內權力結構」強調:從業人員身分,並不是給定的,而是在產業內,透過各種象徵符號的使用,在工作場域中多樣的情境與感受裡,與外在制度及意識形態的辯證互動中,逐漸拼湊、打造而產生出各式多樣「從業」的形態。權力不僅只存在於公司制度所賦予的階級上,也存在於所處企業的產業位置、公司規模所形成生產政治,以及王道陽剛氣質的組織文化上,並透過各種儀式與統治劇碼所形塑。這些儀式與統治劇碼,讓參與儀式的人們,不僅領會自己與統治者的關係,同時領會身邊其他人統統明瞭這種統治關係,並且創造出受規範群體彼此在儀式中皆獲得對權威的「共通認知」。 公司/員工/供應商三者的互動關係上,由於產業發展趨勢向下後,公司可透過交易的優勢地位,一方面對員工工作價值做更嚴苛的再定義,另一方面透過各式各樣的剝削式的交易條件,逼供應商接受,藉以獲取利潤。這直接造成員工與供應商間透過企業賄賂模式達成抵抗的同盟關係,這不但是對企業不合理統治的抵抗劇碼,也是一種異化的協力網絡互動模式。 從「產業的組織行為」發現,社會普遍的價值觀與行為準則仍深刻的影響業內每個從業人員的角色扮演與發展。在所有從業人員趨利避害的心態下,這些社會價值引導了產業內的組織行為與形塑了產業內的組織文化。而產業內人際關係的重要性更證明組織行為在華人社會是植基於社會關係,但特樹的產業特性,人脈網絡的建構很多都是外部自然形成的,與傳統的「拉關係」有很大的差異。 在技術創新上:由於台灣產業發展路徑是由中小企業起家,並不足以支撐高科技的技術創新所要投入的成本,是以台灣的技術創新主要靠企業外部資源,這反應在企業家慣於以代工為主的產業模式上。在此脈絡下,聚焦短期利潤策略可能是個體在產業內最好的競爭策略。這種整體產業與個別企業立場的差異,很可能是面板與背光模組產業無法跳脫出代工困境原因之一。另外,科技型與工藝型創新在產業裡所受到的評價差異相當大,這可能導因於產業內學歷至上的產業氛圍,並造成台灣雖能進入高規格技術領域,但無法邁入高單價生產領域的結果。 以台灣、大陸、韓國間背光模組產業發展特徵進行比較,發現由於不同的人民價值觀、社會文化、經濟結構組成方式、政府態度及市場規模造成完全不同類型的產業型態與市場區隔;由於韓國模式與面板/背光模組產業發展所需特徵相符,也因此目前韓國在產業中處於國際的龍頭位置。


Although its high-tech Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) earned Taiwan the title “OEM Kingdom”, gradually diminishing gross profits have caused a discord between output value and profit, a phenomenon known as “minimization of profit”, creating a predicament for OEM industries here. At the same time, the case of serious internal corruption at Foxconn Technology Group (under the Hon Hai Technology Group) exposed in early 2014 reflects the widespread nature of corporate bribery across high-tech OEM industry. From 2007 to 2012, while the author of this research was working in the backlight module supply chain, he observed that the causes of these two seemingly unrelated phenomena, to a certain degree, could both be found within the corporate internal ecology and culture, and in interactions between subcontractors. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to focus on the backlight module industry that the author worked in, while focusing on the path of dependency, in order to discover - through the examination of factors such as corporate culture, corporate behavior and subcontractor networks - the reason why the OEM industry faces issues of loss of competitive edge, difficulties in transitioning, and pervasive internal corruption. The research also intends to answer the following questions: What is the path of development, the industry structure, and the business operational modes of the OEM industry? How do workers within the industry interact and what type of value hierarchy do they shape? What type of phenomena does the subcontractor network structure of the OEM industry present? Is there a common organizational culture and organizational behavior within the industry? What influence does this have on the development of the industry? Through a comparison of experiences in South Korea and Mainland China, the research also seeks to explain the following: differences between the competitive strategies of the TFT-LCD panel industries of South Korea and Taiwan, changes in the roles and attitudes of manufacturers in Taiwan and Mainland China caused by Mainland China’s economic and market growth, and differences in work attitudes, values and work performance among workers in Taiwan, South Korea, and Mainland China. In general, this study believes that traditional thought processes in society and the path of industry development affect the values and behavioral patterns of each industry entity, shaping a common organizational culture and organizational behavior as well as an operational structure of subcontractor networks. These cultures, behaviors, and structures in turn affect industry workers and result in different practices. Dialectical interaction among these entities produces a driving force to decide the future direction of an industry. Therefore, the experiences of every country are unique, and analysis of these experiential factors with academic methods cannot piece together the original form of the experience, meaning that it is impossible to replicate the original form of the experience. The “power structure within an industry” emphasizes that identities of workers are not fixed, but instead, the various forms of “practices” are gradually constructed and molded through the use of various symbolic representations in the industry, various situations and sentiments in the workplace, and dialectical interaction with exterior systems and ideologies. Power exists not only in the ranks of the company systems, but also in the politics of production formed by the industry position of the enterprise and the scale of the company, as well as in the dominant masculine organizational culture, and is shaped by many forms of ritual and acts of governance. These rituals and acts of governance cause participant groups to understand their relationship with the “governor”, and at the same time understand that all others understand this governing relationship. A “common understanding” of authority is thus created among the governed participant groups in these rituals. Regarding interactive relationships within the triangle of company, employees and suppliers, due to downward industry development trends, the company can utilize its advantageous trading position to harshly redefine the work values of employees on the one hand, and on the other hand force suppliers to accept all sorts of exploitative trading conditions, in order to secure profits. This in turn causes employees and suppliers to form an alliance of resistance through a form of corporate bribery. This is not only an act of resistance against unreasonable governance by the enterprise, but also a transformed interaction mode of the subcontractor network. In terms of “organizational behavior of the industry”, it was discovered that the pervasive value systems and behavioral norms of society still deeply affect the roles played and the development of every worker in the industry. From the common attitude of all workers of seeking benefit while avoiding harm, these societal values guide the organizational behavior within the industry and in turn shape the organizational culture. The importance of interpersonal relationships in the industry further proves that organizational behavior in Chinese society is based on social relationships, but due to the unique characteristics of the industry, establishment of a network of contacts for the most part is done externally and naturally, differing from the traditional form of “pulling strings”. Regarding technical innovation, due to the fact that industry development in Taiwan starts from small and medium enterprises, the cost of high-tech innovation is too high. Therefore technical innovation in Taiwanese enterprises mainly depends on external resources. This reflects on the habit of local entrepreneurs of mainly focusing on OEM modes of production. Under this context, employing a short-term profit strategy may be the most competitive strategy for an individual within the industry. This difference between the position of the industry as a whole and the position of individual enterprises may very well be one of the reasons why the TFT-LCD panel industry and the backlight module industry cannot escape their OEM predicament. In addition, technical modes of innovation and craft modes of innovation are evaluated in drastically different ways within the industry. This possibly derives from the way academic degrees are valued above all else in Taiwan, with the result that Taiwan can enter the field of high-spec technology, but not the field of high-price production. Comparing the characteristics of the backlight module industry development of Taiwan, Mainland China and South Korea, it was discovered that due to differences in the value systems, social culture, mode of economic structure formation, government attitudes, and market scale, completely different categories of industry types and market segmentation have resulted. The fact that the South Korean mode matches the characteristics necessary for the development of TFT-LCD panel and backlight module industries is surely the reason South Korea is now a global industry leader.


