  • 學位論文


Competitive Advantage Case Study: HP Inc.

指導教授 : 劉順仁


本論文研究的主旨,在探討個案公司–惠普科技,在個人電腦產業中的競爭力。 隨著個人電腦的商品化,產業大部分的業者利潤受到擠壓。平板電腦及智慧型手機的出現,更侵蝕個人電腦市場或驅使個人電腦換機時間的推遲, 而造成整體個人電腦全球出貨量的衰退。 因此,在產業衰退與集中化的趨勢下, 個人電腦廠商的競爭策略、執行成果及能否持續維持財務健全的體質, 攸關其未來是否能持續在產業中勝出。 本研究利用波特的產業五力分析及孫子兵法始計篇的觀點,來審視目前惠普科技所處的個人電腦產業及其目前組織的能力,包含公司願景 策略、 文化 及其執行結果 獲致以下幾點結論: 1. 在公司分割前,惠普就是超過七十多年的跨國型企業。 長久以來, 建立的信譽與惠普文化, 對員工職業道德操守的要求,在工作上的授權與尊重,對創新文化培養與團隊合作的重視, 吸引全球各地的人才與菁英加入。 因此惠普長久以來,擁有來自世界各地的專業中高階管理人才與具有很強的執行能力團隊,因此惠普科技擁有很好的組織能力及市場地位來贏取勝利。 2. 在另一方面,採購優勢與供應鏈的執行能力是惠普能持續在個人電腦持續領先的重要優勢之一 。然而,隨著產業的集中化與廠商營業重心的轉移,惠普如何策劃新的策略,以持續保持採購成本的優勢,確保供貨的優先權,將是迎接未來的一大挑戰。 3. 創新與研發一直是惠普文化很重要的一環,惠普科技應在既有的基礎上持續加強管理能力與人才的培養,堅持創新的精神與文化,並持續在各組織間鼓勵創新,繼續開發新的產品、新的營業模式。這將是惠普科技未來三到五年應該持續努力的重點方向,期待能有機會開創出另一波新的科技革命,也是惠普否能成為基業長青的百年企業, 重要關鍵。


This thesis aims to analyze the competitive advantage of the case study company – HP Inc. in the personal system industry. Most of the PC industry players have been suffering the profit deterioration from the commoditization of personal system. The well acceptance of tablet PC and smart phone caused customers started to push out the timing of buying new PC which lead to the decline in worldwide PC shipment. Therefore, under the circumstance of industry declining and the consolidation of industry players, the competitive strategy, and well execution as well as financial healthy are the key advantages to stand out in such a tough industry. 。 This research uses five forces model created by Michael Porter and the legacy Chinese wisdom “The Art of War” created by Sun Tzu in analyzing the industry position as well as organization capability of HP Inc. including its vision, strategy, company culture and the latest execution result. The main conclusions as follows: 1. Before separation, HP Inc. has been an international company for more than 70 years. Its well-known branding, admirable company culture, high standard of business conduct, authorization, trust and respect, innovative culture and team collaboration which help attract the talents around the world to join HP and build up a strong team. Therefore, HPI have great organizational capability and industry position to win in the market. 2. Purchasing scale and execution capability have been the key advantages enable HP in taking the leading position in the industry. With the clear trend of supplier base consolidation and their business focus shifting to other industry, how HPI can continue to sustain its competitive cost and supply priority would be a big challenge for HPI in the future. 3. Innovation has been a key element in HP culture. Other than continuous effort in improving management capability and talent development, the persistence on innovative culture promotion across the organizations, new product investment and new business model development would be the big focus for HPI in the next 3 to 5 years. With continuous effort, hopefully, it would bring HPI to the next level by having a chance to create a new era of technology revolution and become an everlasting company.


現代策略管理 Robert M. Grant 著 劉恆逸 譯 華泰文化
孫子兵法 徐道存 編譯
策略性績效管理教材 – 劉順仁 教授
惠普經驗 黃河明著 天下文化
2017 年下游硬體產業展望 - IDC 富邦投顧
