  • 學位論文


The NIMBY Effect of Public Housing in Taipei City

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


2014年柯文哲上任臺北市長後,致力兌現其4年2萬戶、8年5萬戶公共住宅選舉承諾,然而成效卻未盡人意,興建基地周遭居民的反對便是原因之一。事實上,臺北市的民眾支持「只租不售」的社會住宅比例高達92.55%,這種民眾贊同政府照顧弱勢,卻又反對在自家附近興建社會住宅的矛盾現象,意即鄰避效應的產生。 本研究欲回答下列問題:(一)臺北市公共住宅規劃區鄰近居民反對其興建的原因為何?主要涉及哪些面向?是否如本文假設具有鄰避效應的存在?(二)不同基地是否有不同的鄰避程度?鄰避程度是否因該興建區域的人口特徵以及公共住宅的興建規模有所差異?同時,本研究爬梳鄰避效應的意涵、影響因素、社會住宅的鄰避效應,並且整理臺北市住宅政策的變遷與現階段的政策推動,並藉由上述文獻回顧結果,建立研究架構,並且由機會成本的角度出發,納入過往鄰避研究中未提及的「基地期待」進行驗證。研究採用內容分析法,分析臺北市公共住宅計畫公聽會暨說明會逐字稿,利用演繹途徑,以量化資料進行理論驗證,並輔以質化資料對鄰避效應進行更深入的描述,同時拜訪一位台北市都市發展局代表進行半結構式訪談,更進一步了解實際情形。 研究發現,在推動公共住宅政策的過程中,確實有鄰避效應發生,同時不同基地會有不同的鄰避程度。以公聽會發言者層次進行觀察,其所屬基地、參與場次以及身分與公宅態度相關,同時,需求、補償回饋、基地期待、公聽會程序、影響評估、討論參與、交通、公共安全、日照、信任與公平等鄰避原因與其態度相關。以基地層次出發,鄰避原因中僅有補償回饋、基地期待、國宅經驗、歧視、影響評估、討論參與、公共安全、樹木移植與基地的鄰避程度呈顯著正相關,至於基地人口特徵以及公宅興建規模雖然與鄰避程度相關係數偏向低度相關與接近無相關,且均不顯著。


Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je has made efforts to keep his election promise to build at public housing units by 20,000 in four years for a total of 50,000 units in eight years science 2014. However, it did not live up to expectations. One of the reasons is the nearby residents’ objection. Actually, there are 92.5% citizen support the social housing which is for rent only and not for sale in Taipei city. The contradiction which people agree government to take care of disadvantaged groups but disagree to settle social housing nearby is the effect of NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard). This thesis intends to answer the question below: (a) What’s the reason for residents to oppose public housing in Taipei city? How many theoretical categories are there? Is the NIMBY effect really exist as this thesis supposed? (b) Are there different NIMBY levels in different public housing sites? Is NIMBY level affected by demographic characteristics and size of building site? At the same time, this thesis tidied up the meaning of NIMBY, affecting factor, and the NIMBY effect of social housing. And organized the changes in the residential policy in Taipei city and the current policy, established research structure through the literature review above. Based on the Opportunity Cost theory, this research also created “expectations of the site” as a variable which did not mention in early NIMBY study. This research used Content Analysis to analysis transcript of public hearings of the Taipei Public Housing project in each site, used the deductive approach to verification with quantitative data, and supplemented by qualitative information to get a more in-depth description of NIMBY effect. This study also had a semi-structured interview a representative of the Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government to understand actual situation. The results show that the NIMBY effect took place in the process of promoting public housing policy. NIMBY levels are also different in different public housing sites. Observing at the speaker in public hearing level, residents’ attitudes toward public housing are related to their sites, the number of public hearings they participated, and identity. Demand, compensation and feedback, expectations of the site, procedures of the public hearing, assessment of impact, participation, traffic, public safety, sunshine, trust, and fairness are also related to their attitudes. On the other hand, in the level of the building site, NIMBY level presented a significantly positively correlated relationship with compensation and feedback, expectations of the site, procedures of the public hearing, experience of old residential policy, discrimination, participation, public safety, and tree transplanting. However, demographic characteristics and size of building site had modestly and weekly correlated relationship with NIMBY level, and are not significant.


