  • 學位論文

網路服務業 ( ISP ) 之創新加值服務模式探討


指導教授 : 莊正民


網路服務業 ISP – Internet Service Provider 是架構在電信基礎上的網路服務應用。電信的骨幹基礎是管路及管線的鋪設以及實體電路的介接設定,其電信骨幹( Backbone )及內陸網路結構 ( Local Loop ) 依各地電信相關法規而不盡相同。ISP 的網路建設是介接在電路骨幹上的第二層,為電信基礎的應用領域。跨國 ISP 在百億的電信骨幹基礎建設投資考量以及當地電信法令規範下,僅能以租用電路,頻寬的方式建設所謂地虛擬二類電信業 ( Virtual ISP ),再藉由此網路架構進行連網接取,應用及其他網路相關加值服務。由於業別之屬性,母公司在技術移轉和經驗傳承上助益並不大,唯有品牌價值,管理能力和資本投入是進入本地 ISP市場初期可以運用的資源。建立以連線用戶 ( Access Subscriber ) 為基礎的接取連網服務後,跨國 ISP 可以依其所達成之規模經濟,逐次導入不同型態的加值服務 ( VAS – Value Added Service ) 或價值創造服務 ( VCS – Value Creation Service ),將 ISP 產品生命周期帶入新的應用循環。日本寬頻 ISP 業者Yahoo BB 就是透過免費 / 節費網路電話 ( VOIP – Voice Over IP ) 與接取連網的加值服務,在服務推出一年內創造了超過一百萬的寬頻用戶。So-net 由日本出發進入臺灣,香港,所提出就是「無所不在的價值網路」( Ubiquitous Value Network )之主張,強調它與 Sony 集團數位商品和數位娛樂內容之間的綜效,在短短兩年內,So-net Taiwan 已成為寬頻 ISP 的前三大供應商。 ISP 的固定成本投資很高,如果無法達到一定的使用人數 ( 經濟規模 ),無法實現獲利,跨國 ISP 業者勢必在短時間內要達到目標成長量,或是透過推出創新型態的加值服務模式,增加用戶平均貢獻度 ( ARPU ),否則很可能因市場飽和而讓本地 ISP 業者所淘汰。 跨國 ISP 在進入模式的策略上,可依循 Robert Grant 在「公司」( The Firm)與「產業環境」( The Industry Environment ) 的幾個關鍵策略要素 -- 「目標與價值」( Goal and Value )「資源與能力」( Resources and Capabilities )「結構與系統」( Structure and System );「競爭者」( Competitors )「顧客」( Customers )「供應商」( Suppliers )等構面上逐一檢驗,以確保進入模式之適切性,也可以運用創新加值服務模式發展新型態的 ISP 產品服務,導入以加值服務為核心競爭力的產品生命周期。 電信自由化之全球思維揭櫫於 1997 年,當年 WTO 要求會員國開放電信市場,臺灣亦於 2000年3月開放四家固網電信執照,以因應世界潮流;唯臺灣電信產業開放後相關法規及配套作法未能及時增修;二類電信產業僅能在有限並且無自主規劃權的「接取服務」( Access Service )中提供服務;國際 ISP 以創新加值服務模式帶來成長的新思維,在本土化程度相當高的 ISP 產業,可以取得其策略地位,並發揮集團綜效,其進入模式之經驗亦能提供其他以服務業為核心的跨國企業,做為其國際化的案例研討。


The booming of WWW paves the road to the brand new experience for media, commerce and community in the 20th century; as the development of Internet is in its rapid growth and the penetration of broadband user reached 3,000,000 of people in Taiwan by March 2004, a new environment for innovation and applications are on the edge of development. ISP (internet service provider) is the first milestone derive from the telecom industry, it plays a vital role in the development of WWW, as access service is the fundamental requirement for every internet user, it rely heavily on domestic telecom (Type 1 telecom operator), foreign player did not enjoy any comparative advantage when entering domestic market while deploy its globalization strategy. Let along when compete in a State Owned Enterprise such as Chung Hwa Telecom, which controls most of the public resource and dominate both the circuit and access market. In addition to compete with dominant player, international ISP have to deal with insufficient telecom regulations that normally result to very slow improvement. This study is to illustrate how a foreign ISP player who equipped with unique resources will create a new competitive advantage when complete with local dominant player? How the entry model and strategy it applies fit the industry versus environment strategic position? Does the innovate value added service the company developed will become the new “ Killer application “ creating a new business model in the competitive ISP industry? Or the nature of access turn commodity development today will benefit the values added service which ultimately will become the differentiate strategy for all ISP’s tomorrow? Innovated Value Added Service Model is the next phase of development in the Internet business model deployment; how to integrate communication / connection and content to build a community who share the same interest is the task we bring to the study, by doing so, we will follow what Dr. Robert Pitts and Dr.Robert Grant address in their prior study and to explain how the frame work laid fit the assumption we made. From the government policy announcement in 2002, we learned that to reach 6 millions broadband household users by 2006 is a primary goal for E-Taiwan development, which means there are 3 millions homes to be accessed in next 2 more years, by evaluating current broadband industry in Taiwan, the incentive for end user to enjoy broadband is insufficient still, higher speed and cheaper price will encourage people sign up for broadband, but how to provide a value content / application to enhance the usage is a crucial challenge; for an international ISP, the challenge is even bigger, the obstacles include the unfair competition and unusual business practices; dose the Innovate Value Added Service really a pay-off to this critical condition? It should be a trend to watch, this is why we thought “ entry model “ study together with “ Strategic positioning “ are essential to identify the proposition of Innovate VAS for both International and domestic ISP players.


ISP Internet VAS


8. 張薰仁,台灣頻寬巿場現況-ISP篇,資策會電子商務研究所 FIND,2000年11月
5. Robert A. Pitts ;David Lei “ Strategic Management – Building a nd sustaining Competitive Advantage “(1996) charpter 4
6. Robert M. Grant “Contemporary Strategy Analysis – Concept,Techniques,Application “(2002 4th edition) charpter 1
7. Thompson Strickland “ Strategic Management – Concepts and Cases “(1999 11th edition) charpter 6
8. Tim Johnson “ Broadband Drivers “(2003)– Point Topic paper for DSL Forum


