  • 學位論文


Monetary Power affects Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan’s Currency Internationalization Strategies

指導教授 : 陶儀芬


本文研究國際貨幣權力與國際貨幣權術如何影響一國的貨幣國際化策略選擇,藉此回答:日本與中國促進貨幣國際化的決策與結果為何不同?一般認為貨幣的跨國流通主要由經濟因素決定,但貨幣發行國對於本幣國際化的政治意願與權力考量往往影響深遠。故本文引用國際貨幣權力與國際貨幣權術之研究視角,整合貨幣國際化的政治與經濟因素,提出一國貨幣國際化策略選擇的因果解釋。 1980年代的日本與1997亞洲金融風暴後的中國,都是因經濟實力上升進而追求貨幣國際地位的東亞代表性個案。但是兩造採取的策略大相逕庭,實現的國際化程度也不盡相同:日圓的國際地位向來不受重視,即使在廣場協議後仍難有成長;相對的,人民幣則在2008全球金融海嘯後被視為下一個國際貨幣的候選者。本文採取最大相似系統設計研究方法,進行日圓與人民幣的國際化比較分析,藉此檢驗國際貨幣權力與權術理論之解釋。 權力在政治學中的具體表現,就是對外發揮影響力、對內保有自主性。從權力關係(影響力)的角度來看,國際貨幣權力的內涵包括經濟方面的經濟實力,也包含市場的調整彈性,以及國際權力政治。國際貨幣權力的強弱不只是受限於國家貨幣政策自主性與影響力,還受制於貨幣權術(Statecraft)-運用國家具備的貨幣權力來實現貨幣國際地位與政經目標。國家如何在面對國際環境壓力與限制時運用貨幣權力,便形塑了該國貨幣國際化策略。並藉著介紹英鎊、美元與歐元的國際化過程,說明國家經濟實力與政治意志對於本幣國際化的重要性。 1984年日本正式啟動日圓國際化金融改革。日本的國際經濟實力與產業管理能力,加上熱絡的國際金融中心,日圓國際化似乎水到渠成。但整體而論,日本的國際貨幣權力與國際貨幣權術皆弱於美國。日本政府在許多國際政經議題上不是議題主導者,其決策大多屈從於美國。日本同時扈從於美國的國際貨幣安排,而沒有發展日圓成為國際基準貨幣的意願。策略上,日本大量買進美元資產並以美元為對外貿易計價單位,使日圓國際化方針偏向消極控管來維持偏低日圓匯率,如此一來便限制日圓國際流動與跨國使用。日本一方面依附美國經濟,另方面又受困於日圓波動,導致依賴穩定美元的交易習慣,無形中阻礙了日圓國際化。 中國則在亞洲金融危機後以鞏固人民幣、穩定香港經濟安全的形象,管理人民幣匯率浮動區間;中國同時與東亞國家共同發展區域金融合作機制,提高貨幣政策自主性。中國在管理經濟下外匯儲備激增,面對來自國際的人民幣升值壓力,中國選擇買美元資產並對外借款,同時積極參與國際經濟組織。中國經濟崛起提昇了國際地位,同時中國又以「負責任的大國」身分表現出不同於美國將經濟調整壓力轉嫁他國的負面形象,在2008全球金融海嘯之後更倡議改革美元本位的國際金融體系。整體來說,中國大陸的貨幣延遲能力與轉移能力不及世界第一的美國,但保有成長的潛力;再界定權力是人民幣表現較為突出的面相,有利於人民幣國際流通。換句話說,中國主要是透過政治支持來克服國際經濟條件的劣勢,打造自身的貨幣政策自主性與影響力。中國在保有金融管制的前提下,透過雙邊、多邊化的金融合作,逐步試驗人民幣國際化策略。反映出中國對於人民幣國際化的政治決心,使人民幣國際地位加速發展。 比較日本與中國的貨幣國際化策略,確實發現貨幣權力與貨幣權術扮演重要角色。未來東亞地區國家間貨幣權力關係的發展,仍會是值得探討的議題。


What determines a state’s choice of currency internationalization strategy? Why do Japan and China adopt different policies to internationalize their currencies despite having similar national interest and economic conditions? Derived from the literatures on International Monetary Power and International Monetary Statecraft, this thesis offers a causal explanation by taking into account a state’s capability and willingness. We argue that the difference in currency internationalization between Japan and China is caused by each state’s monetary capability and will to attain international monetary status. Based on current literatures, international monetary power is a kind of relationship property; it refers to a country’s capability of delaying or deflecting costs that derive from international adjustment. On the other hand, international monetary statecraft is how a country uses monetary power to promote or block the cross-border uses of local currency in order to achieve certain policy goals. The brief history of major currencies internationalization, such as the pound (£), the dollar ($) and the euro (?), indicates that international monetary power played a critical role. Since 1984, the Japanese government has launched several financial reforms and de-regulations to internationalize the Yen (¥). At first glance, internationalization of the yen seems blessing due to Japan’s amazing economic performance. However, the monetary power of Japan is weaker than that of the U.S.. Japan’s monetary agenda-setting power has been limited, so Japan usually capitulates to the U.S. in many monetary issue areas. Furthermore, Japan lacks ambition of challenging the dollar’s dominance. Japan utilizes its monetary statecraft largely to maintain stable exchange rate. In doing so, Japan becomes heavily dependent on the stability of dollar. As a result, internationalization of the yen remains far from effective. Unlike Japan’s embrace of financial liberalization, China strongly insists on capital controls to protect the Yuan (RMB)/Dollar peg. China also strengthens its monetary autonomy by pursuing bilateral and regional monetary agreements within East Asia. Due to stronger political will, China not only overcomes the inferiority in international monetary power relation but also promotes international status of the yuan. China also practices its monetary statecraft through bilateral and multilateral financial cooperation. Therefore, internationalization of the yuan gains much success. In conclusion, this comparative analysis of the Yen and Yuan’s internationalization indicates that the international monetary power and monetary statecraft plays an important role in determining Japan and China’s strategies.




