  • 學位論文


Verification of Pulsed Radiofrequency Electrical Stimulation Suppressing Renal Artery Stenosis induced Hypertension

指導教授 : 林啟萬


腎動脈狹窄易引發高血壓,導致心血管疾病甚至致死,好發於老年與肥胖族群。近年來相關研究逐漸抬頭,其中非藥物治療的腎交感神經阻斷術被廣泛使用於臨床治療,透過射頻電流的熱效應將腎動脈上的交感神經叢連結燒灼,使神經支配降低以達到降低高血壓的效果。然而一份研究顯示此方法並非有效治療,探究原因之餘,尋找替代方法也刻不容緩。 觀察到脈衝射頻電刺激具有阻斷神經傳導的作用,本研究提出脈衝射頻電刺激能抑制腎動脈狹窄引發之高血壓的假說,將脈衝射頻電刺激使用在外力致使腎動脈狹窄或假操作的Sprague-Dawley大鼠模型上,紀錄各階段尾部回流動脈血壓,分析進行確效驗證,最終結果支持研究假說—脈衝射頻電刺激確實能抑制腎動脈狹窄引發之高血壓。


Treating Renal Artery Stenosis induced Hypertension, including Renovascular Hypertension, also called Renal Hypertension, and Resistant Hypertension, has been popular in several years, for severe Hypertension could result in cardiovascular disease, leading patient to death. Recently, clinically used Renal Sympathetic Denervation (RSD) has been proved not an effective treatment on Resistant Hypertension, alternative methods are urgently needed. In this Research, we hypothesized that Pulsed Frequency (PRF) electrical stimulation could suppress Renal Artery Stenosis induced Hypertension, for PRF is capable of blocking nerve transmission. We applied PRF on Sprague-Dawley rats which went through Renal Artery Oppressing surgery or sham surgery, recorded blood pressure information individually in every stage, and validated this method with some analysis. The result turned out to suggest the hypothesis, showing that PRF on narrowed Renal Artery could suppress Renal Artery Stenosis induced Hypertension.


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