  • 學位論文


Study on Landscape Planting Method and Life Cycle Management-Taking Trees as an Example

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


景觀專案成敗與否,取決於植栽工程中植栽存活狀況,而植栽存活除了植栽本身健康條件良好以外,種植時使用之材料及工法也擔負一部分成敗責任;景觀植栽材料在市場上種類繁多,植栽工法則因應各家經驗累積有所不同,因此;如何運用新資材及新工法降低植栽存活風險延續植栽生命週期為本研究探討之重點。 本研究透過相關生命週期文獻回顧,了解生命週期的定義及全生命週期的重要性,分析植栽生命週期對景觀專案的影響及景觀喬木相關維護管理所需涵蓋工項,以了解植栽工程生命週期以及栽種後之維護管理,並對景觀植栽施工所使用之資材及工法進行探討分析,導入生命週期概念,提供後續執行景觀專案時規劃設計之參考。 本研究著重在探討喬木栽植工法,針對喬木栽植前,先行將相關栽植工法及條件篩檢,包括:工法類別與性質,羅列出包括:客土、喬木支架、排水等等重要關鍵因素;並加入景觀第一線從業人員之專家訪談彙整建議篩選出影響喬木植栽生長之相關因素,排除對栽種時間之探討,得出在工法、資材上主要影響喬木植栽生長之要素為土壤、支架及排水三要項。 喬木種類在專案工程規畫設計初期即已決定,以往或因技術及工法因素或因經費問題使得植栽工程完工後的表現無法盡如理想;隨著時代變遷,無論公、私部門業者在心態已有改善,現今植栽相關工法亦有長足進步,植栽相關資材也日新月異不斷創新提升,設計者在規畫設計階段對植栽種植相關內容有所規範,發包施工時營造單位有所依循,驗收維護管理階段更直接影響一個專案之成功與否且涉及植栽生命週期,凡此種種皆需經由業主、設計單位、施工廠商及未來管養單位等各相關專業參與,共同努力使一個景觀專案不只成功於開始,亦能成就於未來!


生命週期 喬木 酸素管 黑曜石 支架 排水版


The success or failure of the landscape project depends on the survival - status of the plant in the planting, and the survival of the plant is not only the health conditions of the plant itself, but also the materials and methods used in the planting are responsible for some success or failure; the landscape materials are wide variety in the market and the planting methods are different depending on the experience of each users. Therefore, how to use the new methods and new materials to reduce the risk of plant survival and continue the plant life cycle is the focus of this research. This study reviews the relevant life cycle literature, understanding the definition and the life cycle's importance, analysis of the impact of plant life cycle on landscape projects and landscape tree related maintenance management after planting discuss and analyze the materials and methods used in landscape planting construction, introduce the concept of life cycle and a provide reference for planning and design when implementing landscape projects. This study focuses on the arbor planting method. Before the arbor planting, we will first check the relevant planting methods and conditions, including the type and nature of the work method, including soil dressing, arbor bracket, drainage, etc. The expert interviews of the first-line workers in the landscape plan to screen out the relevant factors that affects the growth of arbor planting and exclude the discussion of the planting in the construction method and materials are soil, bracket and three essential points of drainage。 The type of arbor has been decided at the beginning of the project planning design. In the past, due to the technical and construction factors or financial problems, the performance of the planting project wasn't satisfactory. With the changes of the times, regardless of the public and private sector. It has been improved. Nowadays, the planting and planting related methods have also made great process. The designers have standardized on the planting and planting content in planning and design stage, and the construction unit has followed the construction during the contract. The acceptance and maintenance management stage directly affect the success of a case and involves the plant life cycle. All such subjects need to participate in the relevant projects through the owners, design units, construction companies and future custody units, and work together to make a landscape project not only succeed in the beginning but also in the future。


Life cycle Arbor DO pipe Obsidian Bracket Drainage


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