  • 學位論文


Local Factions, Research into the relations between political parties and elections - Analysis of The Sixteenth PingTung County Legislative Assembly

指導教授 : 趙永茂


中文摘要 本論文旨在探討屏東縣地方派系、政黨與選舉之關係,聚焦於第十六屆屏東縣議會相關成員之研究。 對於地方派系研究相關著作與篇章不可謂不多,其中針對屏東縣探討者亦所在多有,然其時間點皆已略顯久遠並皆側重縣長與立法委員選舉之分析,因此在研究面向與研究縱深應加以補強。本論文自歷史性的回顧既存研究結果,主要從屏東縣人文、社會、經濟與政治等環境切入,接著整理各方對於本縣地方派系生成、結構與影響等觀點剖析;延續舊有的恩侍庇從主義,提出恩侍(原級)關係、結盟(契約)關係與競合(重組)關係對於地方派系與政黨及其內部的變遷探討;針對屏東縣議會,亦從其沿革與歷屆成員進行分析比較,之後轉向議會成員中派系活動情形。以前述分析為背景,鎖定在第十六屆之議員。從平時選區經營與選戰動員管道透過大量訪談與選戰結果綜合歸納分析,其中輔以國民黨、民進黨與無黨籍代表性議員個案分析並進行問題檢討。主要發現以下變動趨勢: 一、 單一席次選舉政黨主導、複數席次選舉派系主控。 二、 政黨派系化與派系政黨化同步發生。 三、 無黨籍候選人於複數選區中仍有一定生存空間。 四、 選民分裂投票與地方分立政府成為常態且自主性提高。 五、 議會中派系分際不如政黨分際。


ABSTRACT Local Factions, Research into the relations between political parties and elections - Analysis of The Sixteenth PingTung County Legislative Assembly by Chao-Hsun Tsai July,2010 ADVISOR: Yung-Mau Chao , Ph.D. DEPARTMENT: Graduate Institute of National Development DEGREE: Master of Arts This thesis focuses on the relationships among local factions, political parties and elections which centre on the sixteenth PingTung County legislative assembly. Many theses already refer to this topic and some specifically deal with PingTung County. However, there are no theses following on from these with reference to more recent developments, nor particularly concentrating upon the County Legislative Assembly. Furthermore, the focus of these previous theses is limited to the connections between county magistrates and legislators. This dissertation aims to address these neglected areas. Through review of historical material, this paper will trace the engendering and evolution of local factions in PingTung, with an emphasis on their human, cultural, economic and political impact.. In addition, the theory of “Clientelism” will be exploited in exploring the correlations between “clientelism (original)”, “alliance (contract)”, and “competition-cooperation (restructure)”. Also, an attempt will be made to assay all the members of Pingtung County Legislative Assembly, from the initial formation of factions, to the present day. Building on the aforementioned analysis, the roles that the members of the Sixteenth PingTung County Legislative Assembly play, whilst in office and on the campaign trail, will be examined in depth. Finally, drawing on extensive interviews and research, an analysis of the candidates put forth by the KMT , the DPP and other parties made. The following summary details the main points that this paper will go to demonstrate: 1. The Single-member election is controlled by the political parties and the Multi-member election is controlled by the local factions. 2. Parties become factionalized and factions become associated with parties. 3. Candidates with no party affiliations can still win in the plural-seat election. 4. Due to the structured role of both parties in government, voters are able to vote across party lines, giving voters more independence. 5. Delimiting factions is not as simple a process as delimiting parties.


