  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Agriculture-in-My-Mind Program in Taipei County

指導教授 : 蕭全政


在台灣經濟發展過程中,農業曾經擔綱相當重要的主流產業角色,農業生產供應臺灣子民不可或缺的糧食來源,農業產銷過程為臺灣庶民帶來眾多的工作機會。但由於非農業產業文明快速演進,加上國際經濟貿易蓬勃發展,引發臺灣產業結構解體改變,農業主流地位逐漸退卻並式微,轉而由工商業取而代之。 中央政府為順應大環境產業結構變遷,著手推動農地休耕政策,將以往農糧來源自給自足政策,轉向定位為自產與進口供需平衡;其目的期望調控降低本土農業生產量,並且導引從農人口移往工商產業發展。但自從休耕政策實施以來,引發農村耕地大量閒置甚至荒蕪、農村人口老化、農地活力頹失、農村環境景觀凋零等諸多偏失狀況。 近幾年來由於地球暖化,全球氣候呈現極端異常,旱澇災害不斷在世界各地發生。全球許多農業主要生產地區,因遭受氣候變遷影響常無法正常產出;臺灣糧食來源大量倚賴進口貿易,其安全性亦浮現警訊,本土農業存在的重要性再度受到重視。 臺北縣政府為解決休耕政策所衍生的負面狀況,並且洞悉全球氣候變遷必須儲備本土農業產能,加上2008年全球金融海嘯引發大量縣民失業;因此於2009年制定「心希望農業」政策,將休耕地活化利用與創造就業解決失業雙重問題共向結合,轉化既有離農政策成為鼓勵從農,期待開啟臺北縣休耕閒置農地活力與縣民就業生機。 任何政策都因需求及理想的期待而產生,但政策的形成絕非只取決於單一需求因素;一項政策從醞釀到制定,通常都無法脫離政治、經濟、社會和環境因素的考量,並且應顧及歷史發展背景和當今與未來的最適需求。臺北縣「心希望農業」政策,其政經脈絡思考、政策啟動活力、政策形成策略、政策執行歷程、農地利用方式等,深具研究價值與探討意義。


心希望農業 誘因


In the process of economical development in Taiwan, the agriculture had once played the key role as the mainstream industry. Agriculture provides food provisions which are indispensable for the people in Taiwan. And a lot of job opportunities have been created in the process of marketing agricultural products. However, due to the fact that the non-agricultural industries have developed rapidly, plus the vigorous development of international economics and trade, the industrial structure in Taiwan has been rebuilt. The agriculture can no longer hold its mainstream position and has been gradually replaced by the industry and commerce. The central government has started to promote the policy of fallow lands to follow the trend of industrial structure change in the current environment. The autarkic policy is replaced by the self-production and supply-demand balance of imports. The purpose is to reduce agricultural output and to guide the agricultural population to move on toward industry or commerce. However, implementing the policy of fallow lands has resulted in a lot of cultivated lands being left empty and deserted, the rural population aging, farmlands losing their vitality, and environment of rural areas being withered. In the recent years, because of the global warming, climates around the world have been extremely abnormal. Droughts and floods have intensified globally. Many major places of agricultural production have been influenced by climate changes and can no longer produce crops normally. Most of foods in Taiwan are imported and therefore this situation should be seen as a warning. The importance of the existence of local agriculture is once again being put under the spotlight. The Taipei County Government developed the “Agriculture-in-My-Mind” policy in 2009 in order to solve the negative situation caused by the policy of fallow lands, while seeing clearly the necessity of preserving production capacity for local agriculture due to the global warming, plus the unemployment caused by the economical tsunami in 2008. This policy aims to re-create vitality for unused farmlands and provide job opportunities to the citizens of Taipei County, by combining the issue of reactivating and reusing fallow lands and the issue of unemployment, to turn retirement from agriculture into engagement in agriculture. All policies are developed because of needs and expectation of ideals. However, they can not be made based on one single factor of demands. From having an idea for a policy to the establishment of that policy, considerations for political, economical, social, and environmental factors are usually involved, while historical backgrounds and the most suitable requirements now and in the future should also be taken into account. The political and economical thinking, vitality created by the policy, strategies developed for the policy, process of policy implementation, and usage of farmlands from the Agriculture-in-My-Mind policy by the Taipei County Government are of high research values and can be further explored.


