  • 學位論文


Commitment as a Moderator of “We” Pronoun and Romantic Satisfaction

指導教授 : 林以正


語言是個體建構世界主要的方式之一。在親密關係的研究中,許多學者相信在溝通或描述彼此過去的回憶時,個體若使用較多的「我們」字詞,將代表一種一體感,是一種利關係的表徵,個體將會更願意採積極、整合的方式解決衝突,甚或有更好的關係滿意度。然而過去研究結果對此莫衷一是。研究者認為,過去的這些研究並未將兩人關係的承諾感加入考量,本研究假設「承諾感或交往時間長短」為此現象之調節變項,在關係初期承諾感尚低時,「我們」字詞的使用可能象徵個體願意跳脫出「單身」的思考模式,以「整體」的方式來描述共享的經歷,因而有利於關係的經營與品質;然而當交往時間較長承諾感增加時,兩人已經形成緊密連結,「我們」字詞的使用已經不再象徵這樣的一體感,無法再有效預測利關係行為與關係滿意度。 本論文試圖以三個研究驗證上述假設:研究一首先藉由後設分析發現,在交往時間較短的伴侶中,「「我們」字詞」的使用與關係滿意度呈現正相關,但在交往時間較長的伴侶中關係較弱。研究二收集40位親密關係交往初期的參與者,並假設在這些參與者中,其「我們」字詞的使用與整合型的衝突管理方式呈現正相關。研究三進一步邀請47位在戀愛關係中的參與者進行戀愛中的回憶書寫,並假設「我們」字詞的使用與整合型的衝突管理方式、關係滿意度呈正相關,但僅發生在承諾感低的個體中。整體結果顯示,個體在關係初期或低承諾感時,使用較多「我們」字詞個體,面臨衝突時較能整合彼此的需求、關係滿意度也較高。這意味著「我們」字詞使用在關係初期扮演維持關係的重要角色,也消解了過去文獻的不一致,更因為本研究採用不同的方式(後設分析、想像後書寫、回憶書寫)來探討此問題,使得字詞分析的研究方法更為多元、豐富。


People use language to construct their world. Some psychologist in intimate relationship research field argued that if individual use “we” instead of “My partner and I” describing his/her romantic relationship, which reflect some kind of “we-ness”, he/she is more satisfy with partner. This idea have been discussed and challenged these years. Past studies had investigated into this issue, some studies support this idea, and some studies not. While facing this problem, those studies did little to find the reason of inconsistency, which warranting some moderator. This article trying to use meta analysis first find out what variable might be the moderator, and manipulate a experiment to test the hypothesis. Study 1 found that relationship length might be the moderator, such that when couples just start their relationship, we-ness or perceived connected may play an important role; as the relationship goes longer, there are more problem need to be solve. Study 2 collect 40 subjects evolving in an intimate relationship rewrite an conflict essay, and found that people write more “we” pronoun in the text also use more positive strategy to solve conflict problem, while we failed to find moderation effect of relationship length. Study 3 use commitment level as a more sensitive moderator and satisfaction as a more suitable dependent variable. Result shown that when individual in high commitment level, no matter the subject have wrote “we” words or not, there was no satisfaction difference. However, when the commitment level is low, the more “we” words using might reflect higher relationship satisfaction. These result work in concert with past studies and demonstrated that the “we” effect might generally weak but relatively stronger in some specific condition.


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