  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship Between Quality of Life and Income Distribution, Economic Development, Ecological Footprint

指導教授 : 吳珮瑛


近年全球氣候異常、金融發生風暴、各地發生地震、颱風、海嘯,不經讓人聯想環境及與人類社會活動間是否有關係?研究的內容不管是經濟發展與所得分配的研究或是進行經濟發展與環境對國家而言可以提出政策建議,對個人來說可以改善人類的生活品質基本需求。 本研究就提出四個因素:每人每年GDP(PPP)、吉尼係数(Gini index)、生態足跡(Ecological footprint,EF)及生活品質(Quality of life,QOL)作為本研究的內容,希望對於環境與人類社會活動間的互動關係有一些了解。 經由本研究的結果發現,生活品質對於經濟的發展的相關性最為明顯,研究發現生活品質與經濟發展間的關係為倒U型的關係。至於生態足跡對於生活品質與經濟發展相關程度沒有呈現有影響。由彈性的研究發現生態足跡對於多數國家有如正常財中之必需品,部分高所得經濟體國家:香港、阿拉伯聯合大公國、美國、新加坡、卡達等5個國家為劣等財。目前地球的環境受到極大的威脅,大部分都是來自於經濟大國,由本研究發現香港、阿拉伯聯合大公國、美國、新加坡、卡達等5個高所得經濟國家,實在需要被關注,唯有大國能帶頭改善環境,地球的未來才會有希望,讓目前使人心慌慌的天然災害能得到改善,生活品質也能得到提升且持續。


Recent years have seen global climate anomalies, the financial crisis, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis around the world. So I want to know whether there is a relationship between the environment and Social activities. The content of the study, regardless of the economic development and income distribution or the basic needs of economic development and the environment of the country can make policy recommendations to improve the quality of human life. In a study of quality of life, for 59 country, four variables were considered: the annual per capita GDP (PPP), the Gini coefficient, and the Ecological Footprint (EF). This study’s Purpose to understand the interaction between environment and human social activities. Test the significance of a multiple regression. The results of this study is that the most obvious of the quality of life for economic development. The result of study show the quality of life and economic development follow an inverted "U" shape. The ecological footprint for the quality of life and economic development did not show an impact. The regression model is show quality of life and the correlation of the Gini coefficient. In this study of Elasticity find that the ecological footprint like a normal good necessity for most countries, some high-income countries with economies: Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, the United States, Singapore, Carter like a inferior good. Earth environment is under major threat the economic power country contain Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, the United States, Singapore, Qatar need to be control their EF. High income country’s responsibility is to be a leader to improving the global environment. The future of the planet will have hope, natural disasters can be improved, quality of life can be enhanced and sustained.


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