  • 學位論文


Becoming Citizens through storytelling: How narratives of the oppressed make changes in law and society

指導教授 : 陳昭如


本論文試圖以女性主義法學的方式對於資本主義下的三個抗爭案例加以分析,看這些社會與法律結構下的受壓迫者,怎麼以「敘事」進行抵抗行動,經歷從個人自救到形成集體意識,積極改變司法及立法結構,成為公民的動態過程。從敘事社會學中我們可以看到敘事作為一種行動,可能建構自我與集體的認同與意識,而法律敘事學運動則論及經驗敘事可以對抗造成壓迫的法律。女性主義法學為形成個人認同的敘事社會學及強調意識形態影響的法律敘事學運動架橋,強調經驗分享的「意識覺醒」點出經驗分享對於「受壓迫者群體」的凝聚,提醒了「看見」壓迫結構中意識形態的可能,「局部主體能動性」的概念則使我們可以看到,在法律壓迫結構下的受壓迫者不僅只是受害者,同時也是盡力訴說受壓迫經驗、努力抵抗的抵抗行動者。 苗栗大埔的農民抗爭中,面臨徵收的農民在一連串的行動中與其他也想要保留農地的農民串連,在農陣的加入、律師的協助之下,他們說出自己被徵收、說出自己身處農村的生活經驗,形成一股力量,影響了社會對於「農業」、「農地」的想像,也撞擊了土地徵收條例從法條規定到實務判決對於「土地」與「徵收」的想像,在這波運動下修過的土地徵收條例要求保留特定農業區、若有爭議必須進行聽證;而最高行政法院的判決也要求審議徵收的程序中,必須實質審議徵收是否合法。 RCA的職災案件,則是經歷了一番罹癌女工與工運組織者的努力,把工人、跨國資本造成勞工受害的故事面向對外說出,給政府面對女工受害的壓力,也堅持著狀告RCA,要求資本家要對過去的隱瞞、毒害負責。彼此分享經驗的過程,凝聚出這群女工的抗爭意識與革命情感,投入制度的改革:勞保條例從本來不對乳房以及子宮切除給付,在罹患乳癌女工「娟姐」用傷痕控訴政府無視於女性傷痛的行動後,變為對乳房切除加以給付。這是她們用自己的故事為後來所有失去乳房的女性勞工所掙來的性別正義,訴訟還在繼續,她們想要的正義還沒有全部實現,她們還在法庭上、社會議題上積極發聲。 銀行挾著資本強權的壓迫結構,形成了在重利盤剝之下無法從貧窮困境中掙脫的一群卡債族。但她們即使身揹卡債都努力踏上敘事與抵抗之路,透過網路集結而成的卡債自救會,努力讓社會理解卡債並非她們個人與銀行間的債權債務關係,而是法律無視於現實、法律被銀行操弄的結果。透過她們的努力,消費者債務清理條例從無到有,有了之後也不斷地從她們的故事裡面找到邁向正義的修正方向。 從大埔農地徵收後激發農民投入土地徵收條例修法運動的故事、RCA女工爭取職災賠償的故事、卡債族加入修法行動想要解決貧窮困境的故事,我們看到了台灣經濟發展過程中,在新自由主義的「發展」思維模式之下,「農民」、「女工」、「卡債族」三個不同受壓迫群體的集體意識形成過程,透過訴說受壓迫經驗的敘事抵抗行動,可以看到她/他們形成集體力量而後,自身成為積極投入社會議題的公民,對於社會與法律制度,都造成了影響。


By analyzing three different cases, this thesis depicts the dynamic process of becoming a citizen through telling oppressed narratives, forming collective consciousness and eventually changing judicial and legislative structures. Narrative sociology shows how telling stories can construct self identity and collective consciousness, whilst legal narratology movement asserts the importance of telling stories of the oppressed and revealing and criticizing the mainstream ideologies in legal structures. Feminist legal theory combines these critical theories with its emphasis on consciousness raising, which points out that sharing experience could turn isolated powerless persons into one oppressed group, and its concept of “partial agency” reminds us that oppressed people are not just victims, but also actors fighting against structure. In the much-publicized Dapu expropriation case, farmers fought against the farmland expropriation through actions of telling their experience. At the first, they told stories about unjustice expropriation process. With assistances of Taiwan Rural Front and other farmers who also want to keep their farmland from unnecessary expropriations, they began to tell stories about their life experiences in rural area. When lawyers turned their stories into legal arguments, these stories not only affected our imagination of agricultural land, but also changed Land Expropriation Act. The recent amendment claimed special agricultural zones are not subject to expropriation. The Supreme Administrative Court's decision also requires decisions of the expropriation must complete due process. In the case of RCA's occupational injury, female electronics worker and the labor movement organizers of Taiwan Association for Victims of Occupational Injuries told stories about being injuried by transnational corporations. The same experience of working and illness got these workers togather. They asked the government to face their injuries, and sued the corporation, who was responsible for poisoning RCA’s workers. They also made some legal reform, for example, the labor insurance paid women who had mastectomy after an RCA worker with breast cancer showed her scars to the officers of the Council of Labor Affairs. Their stories earned partial justice for all female workers. Their lawsuit still continues, and the justice is yet to come. In the case of card debtors, these debtors told stories about being stuck in the poverty trap to resist the oppression. They owed credit-card debt for different reasons, but all devoted to the legislative movement of Consumer Debt Clearance Act after sharing their own experiences on the Internet. Using their stories, they tried to end the stigma of debtors, and reveal the fact that card-debt problem is the result of banks manipulating the law, not that of the debtors. Consumer Debt Clearance Act was legislated andamended to accomplish justice in accordance with their stories. From the stories of farmers living in Dapu resisting land expropriation, women worked in RCA claiming compensation for their occupational injuries, and the card debtors demanding legal changes as resolutions to their difficult position, we see how people in these three different oppressed groups under Taiwan's neo-liberal economic development became citizens through actions of telling stories, and making changes in our social and legal systems.


Paul Jobin、曾育慧(2011),〈白老鼠上法院:從兩例工業污染訴訟案談起〉,《科技,醫療與社會》第12期,2011年4月,頁159-203。


