  • 學位論文


Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Eocene to Pliocene Series in central Taiwan: Implications for source provenance and exhumation history

指導教授 : 陳文山


台灣中部之沉積岩沉積環境分析(吳樂群,1986)及層序地層學的解析(游能悌,2001)已有相當的研究,由前人研究可解析研究區域的沉積環境、年代以及沉積時的海水面變化。本研究區域以台灣中部北港溪流域的始新統—中新統沉積岩層以及大安溪的上部中新統沉積岩層為研究材料,於各地層的砂岩分離出鋯石,利用LA-ICP-MS之鈾鉛定年方法測定鋯石年代,推測沉積來源以及剝蝕歷史。每個樣本中所選出的鋯石以隨機的方式測定至少一百組的數據,於數據的統計中可分出不同年代的群組,利用群組之間的比例及數量關係來推測來源。 鋯石主要的形成機制來源於火成活動或是變質作用,因此本研究參考華南地區最主要的火成運動,將年代分為十個群組群:(1)五臺運動 (2600-2400 Ma) (2)呂梁運動(1900-1700 Ma) (3)四堡運動(1000-930 Ma) (4)晉寧運動(850-700 Ma) (5)加里東運動(450-400Ma)(6) 印支運動 (250-200 Ma) (7)早燕山運動 (200-145Ma) (8)晚燕山運動前期 (145-100 Ma) 與 (9) 晚燕山運動後期 (100-65 Ma) (10)新生代時期(<65Ma)。 始新世的地層資料顯示最主要的鋯石年代峰值是落在晚燕山前期的群組,比例為12%—23%;而漸新世地層的資料亦落於晚燕山前期群組,比例為24%-36%;中新世地層資料則落於呂梁期群組,比例為9%-25%。始新世地層資料主要峰值為晚燕山前期群組,至漸新世時漸增,而至中新世時漸減;而呂梁期鋯石年代群組於始新世及漸新世地層皆含量不高,至中新世時明顯增加。由此可看出一個明顯的剝蝕序列,較年輕晚燕山前期的火成地層先被侵蝕而沉積於較老的始新世地層,而較老的呂梁期火成地層則出露被侵蝕沉積於較年輕的中新世地層。地層中的最年輕的鋯時也有助於檢視地層的沉積年代,始新統最年輕鋯石年齡為39.3±0.8 Ma ,漸新統為 27.4±0.6 Ma,而中新統為26.7±0.6 Ma。前人研究皆支持本研究所得知結果。 關鍵字:台灣中部、碎屑鋯石、鈾鉛定年


Detrital zircons collected from sedimentary rocks can find out exhumation history for the U-Pb dating. This study aims to reconstruct the Eocene–Miocene exhumation history of the southeast China by using U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology. The samples were collected from the Eocene-Miocene formation along the Beigang river and the upper Miocene formation from the Daan river. Each sample contains about 80-100 zircons U-Pb dating data with LA-ICPMS. Zircon formed from igneous activity or metamorphism of the source province. U-Pb dates are distributed to several groups according to the major geological movement in southeast China, (1) Wutai orogeny (2400-2600 Ma) (2) Luliang orogeny (1700-1900 Ma) (3) Sibao orogeny (930-1000 Ma) (4) Jinning orogeny (700-850 Ma) (5) Caledonian orogeny (400-450) (6) Indosinian orogeny (200-250 Ma) (7) Early Yanshanian orogeny (200-145) (8) Late Yanshanian orogeny (Ⅰ) (100-145 Ma) and (9) Late Yanshanian orogeny (Ⅱ) (100-65 Ma) (10) continental rifting period (65-8Ma). Age spectrum analyses of the Eocene formation indicates that the major proportion is the Late Yanshanian orogenyⅠgroup, about 12%-22%; the major proportion of the Oligocene formation is the Late Yanshanian orogenyⅠgroup, about 23%-36%; the major proportion of the Miocene formation is the Luliang movement group about 10%-23%. The Major proportion of Yanshanian orogeny (Ⅰ) group shows the increasing in the Eocene to the Oligocene formations, but the decreasing in the Miocene formation means that Late Yanshanian orogeny (Ⅰ) period rock eroded and reduced the exposed area during the Miocene period; The Luliang movement group proportion of Miocene formation data is increasing, and it means that the younger rocks eroded causes older rocks exposed. The youngest zircon age can be a corroboration of sedimentary age of sedimentary rock, 39.3±0.8 Ma of the Eocene formation, 27.4±0.6 Ma of the Oligocene formation, 26.7±0.6 Ma of the Miocene formation that confirms the previous reports of the age of sedimentary rocks. Keywords: Central Taiwan, detrital zircon, U-Pb datimg


Central Taiwan detrital zircon U-Pb datimg


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