  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of Development in Taiwan's Eel Farming

指導教授 : 陳顯武


本研究在於討論臺灣鰻魚產業發展的歷史脈絡。從最初受到日本市場鰻線短缺的影響開始萌芽,經過政府的投資與輔導和業者的努力,成長為農漁業部門中非常重要的創匯產業,其發展過程除了與臺灣總體經濟發展、國際政經因素、國際業者與競爭者、消費市場以及政府政策等有關之外。此外,過程中國內外業者、競爭者、政府、消費者等行為者的互動也在鰻魚產業發展的階段引導著產業發展的核心與方向。因此,本文欲針對這些行為者以及其互動過程了解臺灣鰻魚產業發展脈絡,並分析其政經因素。   了解產業發展之脈絡後,試著藉由實際的訪談與數據結合將產業中的主要行為者做出各種因素的比較,並論述出臺灣鰻魚產業的重大問題:市場單一化、水土資源的限制、鰻苗資源稀少及藥物殘留問題,而後就每個問題思考出解決方向,特別是為了應對日本市場對兩岸鰻魚產業價格的影響力並利用賽局理論探討兩岸合作的可能性,從而能夠讓臺灣鰻魚產業穩定發展,再者,希望利用臺灣鰻魚產業發展的例子推演到兩岸所有農漁產品之合作,以期兩岸在農產合作上能夠開創出新的局面。 關鍵字:鰻苗資源稀少、賽局理論


The main concern of this thesis is the historic context of the development of Taiwan’s eel Farming. Oringinally, Taiwan was an additonal place of eel fry for Japan’s eel Farming. Afterward, the eel Farming was financially supported and subsizeed by the government. Thereafter, the Farming becomes very important. In the process of its development, it was related to the overall economic development of Taiwan , the factor of international politics and economy, the global merchants and competitors, the consumption markets, and the rewards and subsidies from the government. Moreover, the directions of the Farming development was led by the actors, such as the domestic and international merchants, their competitors, the government as well as the consumers, and their interactions. Hence, by means of the actors and their interactions, the thesis is to know the history and the context of the development of Taiwan’s eel Farming, and to analyze the political and economic factors.   After understanding the development of the Farming, combing field interviews with key men together with data pulled together from this Farming to conclude that the main issues concerning Taiwan’s eel Farming are orientation toward single market, limitation of natural resources on water and land, shortage of seed of eel and test failure on the levels of chemical residue. All of the above mentioned issues require modest and proactive solutions in order to stabilize the long-term development of Taiwan’s eel Farming. Especially when it comes to the influence of Japanese market on eel price and possibility of the mutual collaboration across straits between Mainland China and Taiwan according to the game theory. If the practice goes well, we can duplicate this module further to all agriculture and fishery products on a full scale across straits, to create a new prospect of mutual benefit on agricultural products. Keywords: shortage of seed of eel, Game theory


shortage of seed of eel Game theory


曾萬年(1983b)。〈臺灣產鰻線漁獲量的季節性變化及長期變動傾向〉,《臺灣水產學會》10: 1-7。
