  • 學位論文


The Climate Change Governance Network in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 林子倫


為了應對氣候變遷引發的治理危機,政策網絡的建立與維繫,成為倡議者整合利害關係人的方法,本研究以Marsh & Rhodes的政策網絡理論為架構,界定重工業城市高雄市在《高雄市綠建築自治條例》、《高雄市事業氣候變遷調適費徵收自治條例》草案、與《高雄市環境維護管理自治條例》的網絡節點與互動方式,深入了解近年來高雄市政府氣候變遷政策背後的治理網絡。 本研究發現,高雄市的氣候變遷治理網絡與政策環境的變遷有相當的關連性。歷經行政機關首長更替、市議員改選、以及社會風氣的改變,政策網絡的成員也在互動過程中,逐漸的調整其意識形態與價值,進而影響到最終政策的產出。研究發現,支持派議員與高雄市環保局做為政策網絡的主導團體,其積極性將直接影響整體政策網絡意見的分歧程度。在《高雄市事業氣候變遷調適費徵收自治條例》一案由於環保局首長更替,主導團體自顧不暇,對於推動政策與整合意見興致缺缺,政策網絡中的不同意見未能獲得整合,也最終導致該案被擱置至今。最後,綜觀三項法案的治理網絡,利害關係人之間正式的互動管道仍然十分缺乏,不論是體制內或體制外的利害團體,除了公聽會外,幾乎沒有一個正式的機制能夠成為利害關係人溝通的管道。特別是中央與地方之間,中央政府仍然以上對下的方式來處理高雄市氣候變遷的爭議問題,在雙方主政黨派不一致的情況下,沒有辦法進行有效的溝通與協調,進而導致氣候變遷相關法案在高雄市三讀通過後,卻受到中央政府否定的結果。


Due to the climate change, the governance network approach became one of the best way for policy maker to coordinate with those cross-agent stakeholders. This essay took Kaohsiung for example, especially for three local environmental laws which were proposed between 2011 to 2015 in Kaohsiung. The research discovered that some stakeholders show an active attitude toward climate change policy, including some aldermen and civil servants in Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Bureau. Those active stakeholders played very important roles in the governance network of Kaohsiung climate change policy. When the Director of Environmental Protection Bureau resigned at August 2012. Without an active group to motivate communication between stakeholders, every policy process nearly stopped at the same time. The research also noticed other example shows policy environment affected the whole policy network. Kaohsiung aldermen re-elected at January 2015, and it also influenced the major attitude of Kaohsiung civil council. Furthermore, social atmosphere influenced the core concept of the stakeholders. From 2012 to 2015, climate change issue has spread nearly all Taiwan's society. People stared to know what's climate change and why human beings need to stand up and do something for climate change. When being charged for greenhouse gas emission, heavy industry also knew their responsibility. According to the research, the author suggest that the governance network in Kaohsiung may probably improve their communication between different status stakeholder. Especially central government and civil government, also industry, civil government and aldermen, there's nearly no formal communication ways between them. For future research, the research suggest that may focus on how to restrict too much informal coordination and exchange of interests.


