  • 學位論文


Study on Climate Adaptive Capacity Building for Regional Water Supply System Based on Enterprise's Viewpoint

指導教授 : 童慶斌




In Taiwan, extreme uneven spatial and temporal distributions of rainfall have caused the imbalance of water supply and demand during dry season. Furthermore, with more extreme climate events, the difference between wet and dry seasons may be more drastic in comparison to past years. In addition, the fast economic growth has led to the dramatic increase of water demand, thus resulting in lower tolerance of water shortage. Overall, findings demonstrate that water regimen is not optimistic during dry seasons, and often caused significant social and economic losses. In order to respond to increased risk of water supply system due to future climate change, this study follows the six-step decision support tool developed by the Taiwan integrated Research Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (TaiCCAT) to build climate change adaptation measures based on enterprise's viewpoint. Furthermore, the seasonal climate forecasts released from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) are applied to establish the drought early warning system as the effective measure to strengthen the adaptive capacity of the water supply system and reduce the impacts of drought events. The case study used in this research uses the water supply system of the Chuoshui River basin in Taiwan, which adopted four major steps, including problem identification and goal setting, current risk assessment, future risk assessment and adaptation options identification and assessment. Current and future risks under climate change are assessed first and then four adaptation measures are identifed. Moreover, the drought early warning system is established to project the situation of water shortage with the lead time of three months in order to provide the information of regional water shortage to decision makers. The results show that the water shortage of Mailiao industrial park and agricultural water use will increase and the restoring force will decline during the drought seasons under climate change in addition to domestic water use. The results of the drought early warning system reveal that WGEN can reasonably reproduce the statistics of monthly rainfall and monthly temperature, while GWLF model has good performances for inflow simulations. However, the seasonal climate forcasts still need significant improvement, which limits the current application of drought early warning system. This study takes the situation in Taiwan in 2004 as an example. The drought early warning system can reasonably forecast the water-shortage conditions during the drought events.


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